Caisson Well Construction #civilengineerlife

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Caisson well construction is a method of building a foundation for structures that require support below water or soft soil. A caisson well is a hollow cylinder that is sunk into the ground and filled with concrete. Caisson wells can be used for bridges, dams, docks, and other large structures.

There are different types of caisson wells, such as:

Box caissons: These are watertight boxes that are floated to the site and sunk into place with a masonry pier inside them.
Open caissons: These are open at the top and bottom and are lowered into the ground by excavating or dredging the soil from inside them.
Pneumatic caissons: These are closed at the top and have an airlock that allows workers to enter and exit. The air pressure inside the caisson prevents water from entering and helps to sink the caisson deeper.
Floating caissons: These are similar to open caissons, but they are not attached to the ground and can be moved to different locations.
The advantages of caisson well construction are:

It can withstand large lateral loads and moments that occur in bridges and other structures.
It can resist the effect of scouring due to its large cross-sectional area.
It can be adjusted to the desired depth by sinking or raising the caisson.
It can be prefabricated and transported to the site easily.
The disadvantages of caisson well construction are:

It can be expensive and time-consuming to install.
It can be affected by soil conditions and water pressure.
It can pose safety risks for the workers inside the caisson.
It can cause environmental impacts due to the disturbance of the soil and water.
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