.NET MAUI Community Standup: Aspire & MAUI - A match made in the cloud!

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Join Maddy, David, and MAUI team member Bret Johnson to see what we've been cooking up for a .NET MAUI experience with .NET Aspire.

⏲️ Chapters:
00:00 Countdown
02:23 Welcome to the .NET MAUI Community Standup
07:43 Community links
29:00 - 30:48 Technical difficulties
33:14 Demo - Aspire
49:56 Q&A
59:15 Wrap


#maui #aspire #dotnet
Рекомендации по теме

So aspire is able to pull logs into Structured logs UI, but is it only pulls in memory logs, or if I have a log table, will aspire be able to display those logs in the dashboard UI too?
