Dr. Pierre Vanhove | Analytic structure of cosmological correlators

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Speaker(s): Dr Pierre Vanhove (CEA/Saclay)

Date: 25 August 2022 – 11:15 to 12:15
Venue: INI Seminar Room 1
Session Title: Analytic structure of cosmological correlators
Event: [NC2W02] Crossing the bridge: New connections in number theory and physics

We give the analytic structure of late-time cosmological correlations functions in rigid de Sitter space time of conformally coupled scalars. We show that the evaluation of the Witten diagrams can be reintepreted as flat-space Feynman integrals. This simplifies drastically the perturbative computations, and allow to analytical evaluations of the correlator in perturbation. From these analytical evaluations, we extract loop corrections to the anomalous dimensions, and get some insights into the analytic structure of conformal correlators in rigid AdS and dS.
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