Bans on social media and phones: what's the evidence? - What in the World podcast, BBC World Service

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We explore different approaches to social media and phone bans around the world.

Phones have become an essential part of most people’s everyday lives, and debates about them in schools - as well as teenagers’ access to social media - are internationally hot topics.

BBC journalist Hayley Clarke joins us in the studio to talk through different approaches to social media and phone bans in schools around the world. We also hear from students in France and the US about how they would feel about potential bans.

Hannah Ritchie, a BBC journalist, chats to us from Australia, where the government says it will introduce "world-leading" legislation to ban children under 16 from social media.

Plus we hear from two professors on opposing sides of the debate, and ask whether the scientific evidence behind the bans is robust.

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Screen time challenge
03:15 Average screen time statistics
04:16 Which countries are banning phones and social media?
05:45 Australia banning under-16s from social media
07:15 Evidence for smartphones affecting mental health
07:50 Modern childhood transformation theory
09:42 Other studies into impacts of smartphones
10:55 Why some experts think bans won’t work
12:38 Cause and effect
13:15 US student shares what they think
14:30 French students share what they think
17:05 What do companies say?
17:58 Tips to reduce screen time

Instagram: @bbcwhatintheworld
WhatsApp: +44 0330 12 33 22 6
Presenter: Hannah Gelbart
Producers: Julia Ross-Roy, Hayley Clarke and Emilia Jansson
Video journalist: Adam Chowdhury
Editor: Verity Wilde

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In my opinion, as long as people are watching this kind of content (because even adults are becoming addicted using their phones) and managing their time consistently to set as an example, there's no problem at all.


I watched this video when I looked my phone :)


this is helpful for im improved my listening and knowlege improved


If I didn’t use my phone I would not watch this useful video.


what evidence? when the children is spending 6 hours upward & ignore everyone around them & unwilling to do anything


Phone makes ppl struggling communication. we need a holistic approach to the screen time.


All I can think when watching this is why the discussion around social media/phone use continues to be so skewed. Why is no one talking more in depth about adult social media usage (and how that impacts kids/teens)? And why does advise about reducing usage almost never include a serious look at what specifically adults are doing on their phones? Without these points, I can't help but think we'll continue to spin our wheels on this topic for years.


Thanks for sharing about social media and smartphone ban


In fact, Pete Etchells told a bit wrong story about the regulation imposed on adolescents aged under 16. Korean government only banned the use of playing computer game after midnight, not the use of Internet alogether.


You four hour 14 minute who spend 10 hour within a phone 😂


49 MINS PER DAY mine says, which Gmail being the most common app. Didn't know the phone could tell you that. I think it's telling when 'Sonia' had her interview, says if she didn't have social media she wouldn't be as knowledgeable. Suggesting she think's she gains invalubale knowledge spesifically from Social media.Why they might be some, i'd argue its mostly opinions she's getting, or an idea of a false influenced reality of the real world or indeed total crap .


Okay firstly I am old (59) secondly, I just do not understand why this is even a debate. If mobiles exsisted in my day (groan) This debate would not even exsist because of something else very old fashioned and lacking nowadays, COMMON SENSE. There are so many reasons stacked against being able to take and use these devices into a place of teaching. Its ludicrous


Very good questions. Regards from Brazil.


I would say that the phone has become such a normal thing for me that I don’t even pay attention to my time using it.
I'm 15 years old, by the way. Most often I use neural networks, watch YouTube and TikTok. I don't have a single friend in real life that I can talk to, so talking to AI or watching YouTube videos helps brighten up my life.
I would also say that our school is not ready for the abolition of phones. We do not have normal teaching aids, which is why many things have to be learned independently for students self.


Heck, but you are in the average range. I have 9 hours average. But I am changing it. We must do mindfulness techniques rather than to wander through algorithms—unless intentional. Unintentional use of phone is what causes problems, social and psychological. At least that’s how I have come up to this conclusion. But we should not fear technology and we ought not to limit it. We need to understand it and teach how better to use it. I understand it leads to many new issues but every social change does—as it makes older ones obsolete.


Don't ban teens in using their phones, in case they needed to call an adult or the police, or ask for help in some situations. Just don't let them use social media all the time.


If you spend more than two hours a day on phone scrolling, you've wasted too much time and are being less productive. So yes, that's all the information you need. This shit is addictive and needs massive regulation. Just like alcohol.


I usually use my phone 11 hours everyday.1:57


The presenter makes it look easier to anchor a show, but it isn't = she's great.


I have three smartphones.I use them 12 hours per day 😂
