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What exactly is passive income, and how can you start earning it yourself? Here's a crash course to get you started!

🔹 Download my Info Business Getting Started Guide for FREE!

🔹 I'm hosting my bestselling workshop again! It's called "Get Started Making Money Online" and it's happening October 27th. Sign up now so you don't miss it!

During this PACKED 90-minute training, I'll cover:

- The THREE ways to make money online -- and which one is right for you.
- The #1 reason most online entrepreneurs FAIL (and what you can do to avoid this mistake!)
- My fail proof 7-Step Business Blueprint for building a profitable online business.
- How to get massive visibility and *grow your brand* online.
Plus so much more!

The live workshop costs $29 to join, and I promise that learning to make money online will be worth every penny.

(Also, just FYI, this isn't any sleazy webinar that's really just a sales pitch in disguise. It's a legit, detailed 90-minute class that will show you exactly what to do to best started making money online.)

When: 9:30 am PDT
Saturday, October 27th

Where: Online! (I'll send you a link when you sign up.)

Cost: $29

What: 90-minute training that teaches you step-by-step how to start making money online.
(+ includes recorded REPLAY to watch at your convenience!)

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It starts at 7:22. You're welcome!


What do you think about passive income ebooks and advertising the content in a YouTube channel? Really not “holding any info back” but the plus is that it’s all in one place in the Ebook?


You’re so right about finishing something and being motivated by the results. I’ve earned over $100 from my first month of being monetised on YouTube 😊. It’s amazing and motivating. I’ve haven’t even put into place all the techniques you recommend yet either! It’s encouraging me to keep making videos even though I don’t have any equipment other than my phone yet. Plus I’m now going to add in a blog to complement the channel. Baby steps but if you just keep chipping away at it you can get a snowball started (love that analogy!). Thanks for another great video 😁


I guess I’m stumped on knowing when to make my content that I share as an ecourse or share it all on YouTube? Seems like you don’t hold any info back on YouTube so I was curious what value your ecourses held...just all in one spot?


Smart and well articulated advice as always, Gillian - thank you 💛


It's one of the best examples of a snowball that you mention about passive income ;) I really like how you talk and your expression. There are lots of youtube channels and videos but you have a totally different positive vibe on your channel. Thanks, Gillian for this awesome informative video.


Gillian! A fabulous topic for sure! Commitment was the key word that stood out to me to just get started! You are most inspiring to get my channel off the ground. I will check out your course for more motivation. Thank you as always!


Thank you for your video! It is great to have people educating other people! PASSIVE INCOME ON MY WAY!...


Hi Gillian: Great Video, I myself always looking for better ways to make a passive Income, I have started making online courses and hoping to get it done by November or December. What about owning and buying Vending machines? or Is this considered trading time for money again?


Such a good point about finishing something. I have had a registered business since November 2016 and I have the same problem of jumping to too many different ideas and projects. I have wanted to make soap for about 10 years now and I am making that my priority project to start with. Fear of failure is a real thing though, I’m realizing. Also I’m a scatterbrained Sybil “Scanner” (term coined by Barbara Sher). So being a scanner, I am always looking around for the beauty in the world and new wonderful ideas to try, much like the dog seeing a squirrel. But I’m slowly getting myself together and boiling my ideas down to the priorities. Baby steps for sure to keep up the progress. Thank you for your inspiration and examples. Your videos are always a breath of fresh air and perspective.


great info! I like how you get straight to the topic!


I really enjoyed this video. Well done. I think fear of failure and fear of what people think and say is very paralyzing for many. Wanting control of my time is what is motivating me to pursue working from home and passive incomes.


This is so true. You have to put in the hard work to see results, but there are so many opportunities out there to be successful. 💜😀


You are doing a great job of making info videos and there is some very good content in each of your videos.keep up the good work and much success to you!


This is such a good video....I woke up thinking about writing an ecourse and bam, your video popped up, thanks for the inspiration.


Thanks Boo wish I had found you sooner! Tho these tough times worked well as we are all CRAVING interaction and entertainment. Love you and your hair!


Hi Gillian! I would love to start working towards creating passive income. I am interested in health & nutrition, but I'm not officially trained or have any qualifications in this niche. Would you recommend having some formal qualifications if I wanted to start blogging and making YT videos about this? Thanks!


I have the blog and the YouTube channel but do not have enough traffic to become an affiliate. Are click funnels the best way to get traffic?


Thank you madam for your great help and guidance you should be encouraged me to do more works once again thank you madam


Trying to decide if I should get into REIT for possible income? What I'm seeing now is all out of state, which results in double filing of taxes. I'm currently on disability and my rent just went up to 1200/month. Relying on boyfriend's income to help pay the rent of the
