Having Doubts About the Person You're With?

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Have you ever found yourself dating someone, knowing that there’s a lot right with them, but still plagued by a nagging thought in the back of your mind about whether you’re going to be happy with this person long-term?

How do you deal with the doubts you have about a person? Should you continue to move to the next stage of the relationship with them? Or is it too big a risk?

Do you just ignore your feelings and keep going, or pay attention to that doubt and leave?

You don’t have to resort to either of these two drastic options.

In this video, I show you an in-between strategy that allows you to find out for sure if your relationship can work, without risking too much of your energy and precious time . . .

Often when we call it quits too soon, we’re left with that horrible feeling of wondering whether it could have worked with someone. I don’t want you to be left wondering; I want you to have answers.

(And be sure to watch to the very end, because the cameras were still rolling and caught the TRUE NATURE of my brother Stephen bullying me relentlessly . . . let me know whose side you come down on . . . as long as it’s mine.)

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"... But if you already have doubts..."
Sometimes we know the answer and don't want the fantasy to end.


Matthew as the emotionally demanding wife: “I didn’t get dressed for the world, but I got dressed for you, Steve!!!!”

Steve as the shocked husband: “...Right...”



My god my boyfriend was a mommas boy. And did nothing, did not cook, did not clean the house. The first 4 months were a nightmare. With patience, talking and some arguments we did it. I told him i wanted an adult not a baby and he gradually took responsibility for the house too. Men raised by chauvinist mothers is the struggle of our generation.


Why was he so dramatic about his shirt? 😂😂


She thinks once they're alone he's going to expect her to play the mom role and she doesn't want that. 😂


What about if I wait for living together when we officially married?


This was some legit advice. I was a property manager for 5 years and routinely saw couples splitting up 3-6 months into a 1 year lease. They would always end up losing a lot of money on top of their heart break and the drama of a break up with a legal contract involved. I would be willing to bet that starting with a 1 or 2 month stay at a B&B is better in every way than moving in together when you have any doubts.


" A well turned out, fine young man"


Matthew! I am so excited!...but on that note i am not moving in with any man who has not put a ring on it lol....no.


I won't be moving in with anybody anytime soon. Got my first apartment nd I'm loving it


“You look like a sweet boy “ your outfit moments lol 😝 I like how cute Matt looks ❤️🤩


When things flow naturally there is no need for big conversations, in my experience we already knew what the natural next step was and there wasn't any big conversation because we already had talked about what we wanted in life and knew that eventually we would be living together when the time was right..


I get the feeling that Stephen busts Matthews chops for things in a joking & loving manner and Matthew is humble enough about himself to roll with it & secretly enjoys it. Lol


I understand that being a housewife is a job but I honestly think mothers are doing a disservice to their children by catering to them all the way through and up into their adult lives. People shouldn't expect others to constantly take care of them. Adult people should know how to cook and clean for themselves. I think it's a bad thing when mothers teach (usually their sons) this type of behavior.


I literally just got a notification for this while I’m literally moving in with my boyfriend at this moment... and


Who is Jeremy? Or did he say Jamerson and I didn’t hear it right?


I so agree with the "little experiment" I mean I've been doing that figuring out what I really want, not just in relationship but simply in life in general :)


Yesss!!!! I love the podcast-like way the videos are going, feels more organic and the banter is great! Lol I love seeing y’all (yes I’m Texan) not so “polished”, giving us “I just put this on for the podcast” vibes yaaaas! Content on point as always, it’s why I’ve watched you faithfully for about 7 years now👍👍🤓


couples who live together before marriage have a higher average divorce rate than those who didn't. never forgot that stat. Also, I am worth far more than just some gal to shack up with


I love You guys but your weird arguing back and forth has gotten annoying..
