Ryan Reynolds's Training Used To Be Bull S***! (FIXED)
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Here's Ryan Reynolds' workout and diet routine! His old training from 2004 was full of Hollywood BS but for Deadpool, he started working with Don Saladino who is an amazing celebrity trainer! Ryan Reynolds' workout routine for Deadpool is really solid. His workout routine for Deadpool was so good that I even made a 5 day a week workout program for you guys to try! If you want to look like Ryan Reynolds' in Deadpool this workout routine is a great place to start! Let me know if you have any questions about Ryan Reynold's workout routine or diet and I'd be happy to help!
Day 1-
5 Rounds-
KB Swings x10
DB Incline Press x8
Goblet Squat x10
Pull Ups x5-10 (Can use a band if needed)
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy single arm farmers carry x30 seconds/side
DB bicep curls x12-15
Banded Pull Aparts x12-15
Day 2-
5 Rounds-
Single Leg DB Glute Bridge Off Bench x10/side
Single Arm DB OHP x12/side
Alternating DB Reverse Lunges x18 Total
DB Pull Over x12
3 Rounds-
DB Lateral Raise x12-15
Hanging Knee Raises x8-15
Day 3-
5 Rounds-
DB Floor Press x12
DB RDLs x15
DB Bent Over Rows x12
DB Split Squats x12/side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy farmers carry x60 seconds
Hollow Holds x20-30 Seconds
Day 4-
5 Rounds-
KB Swings x10
DB Incline Press x8
Goblet Squat x10
Pull Ups x5-10 (Can use a band if needed)
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy single arm farmers carry x30 seconds each side
DB bicep curls x12-15
Banded Pull Aparts x12-15
Day 5-
5 Rounds-
DB Floor Press x12
DB RDLs x15
DB Bent Over Rows x12
DB Split Squats x12/side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy farmers carry x60 seconds
Hollow Holds x20-30 Seconds
Day 1-
5 Rounds-
KB Swings x10
DB Incline Press x8
Goblet Squat x10
Pull Ups x5-10 (Can use a band if needed)
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy single arm farmers carry x30 seconds/side
DB bicep curls x12-15
Banded Pull Aparts x12-15
Day 2-
5 Rounds-
Single Leg DB Glute Bridge Off Bench x10/side
Single Arm DB OHP x12/side
Alternating DB Reverse Lunges x18 Total
DB Pull Over x12
3 Rounds-
DB Lateral Raise x12-15
Hanging Knee Raises x8-15
Day 3-
5 Rounds-
DB Floor Press x12
DB RDLs x15
DB Bent Over Rows x12
DB Split Squats x12/side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy farmers carry x60 seconds
Hollow Holds x20-30 Seconds
Day 4-
5 Rounds-
KB Swings x10
DB Incline Press x8
Goblet Squat x10
Pull Ups x5-10 (Can use a band if needed)
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy single arm farmers carry x30 seconds each side
DB bicep curls x12-15
Banded Pull Aparts x12-15
Day 5-
5 Rounds-
DB Floor Press x12
DB RDLs x15
DB Bent Over Rows x12
DB Split Squats x12/side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 Rounds-
Heavy farmers carry x60 seconds
Hollow Holds x20-30 Seconds