Should We Affirm A Child’s Salvation or leave it to God? (Romans 8:16)

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“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.”
‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
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I got saved at a Vacation Bible School as a young girl. Up until that point, I had trouble in my soul that centered mainly around anxiety and sadness. When I accepted Jesus, a burden was lifted and peace and hope came in. I didn't learn the name for the Holy Spirit until much later when a friend starting taking me to church, but I absolutely know that my salvation was true and the Holy Spirit was with me. Even as a teen, when other kids were experimenting with things, something inside of me would warn me. I shudder to think how much longer it would have taken for me to hear the gospel, if it weren't for Ms. Cathy at VBS. The scripture talks about "faith like a child." I had that and God accepted it as sufficient. Many decades have passed. I still love Him.


Absolutely on the button!! Forgive us our trespassing oh Lord and make us instruments of ur Peace.


And even satan MASQUERADES himself as an angel of light. Many are called but few are chosen.


I guess he’s talking about people who don’t repent and just go to church because they think that brings them salvation?


Sad to say but most organized religion is going this way... Then they wonder why attendance is down... And continues to go down in most US and Europe


Sure, He doesn't speak for every single child in a Sunday school program that is ridiculous. Good job at pointing this out but does he have a better plan? If so why wasnt that in the short.


So, I guess he disagrees with the parable of the Prodigal Son…


Sadly, this is spot on. I'm sure there's a few kiddos that get it right, but far from the majority. Good short, Dustin.


So true, how many churches teach that satan will be revealed, claiming to be God, before we gather back with Christ? It's easy to see how the whole world will worship him, as Revelation 13:8 declares.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.


Idk about what you just said. Ummm maybe a little to far for jesus said i am the way the truth and light and no one gets into the kingdom except through me and he who ever shall believe in me shall have everlasting life in the kingdom of heaven. Sir I think you may be on the wrong side. Repent, and believe. He mainly talked about confess your sins and believe in me and he'll wash away our sins and tears. Cause we are going to be absolutely frightened when this rapture starts. Get right cause its going to happen with in the next few years. The bible says we will not know the day or hour. We may know the year for he gave us all the numbers and math and he is perfect and perfect on timing. 2000 years after our saviors death. That time was 33ad there will be 7 years of tribulation from the anti christ first. That puts it down to 2026. Our calender is off maybe 4yrs max. I think its almost spot on. On the 6th day God made man and on the 7th he rested. God said a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is 1 day... day 6 is 6000year mark. Were about 5, 992ish maybe 5, 997. Like we are right their. 7, 000yr mark will be god destroying satan and his false prophet and sending them to hell in the lake of fire for ever with all who believe in him. Good for you. O believe jesus and god and im trying to walk with jesus or at least innhis way the best i can. Im a p.o.s. sinner. Lord please forgive us all!


I agree I was born a Catholic but they don't adhere to the BIBLE, Like The Pope removing part of the 2nd Commandment thou shall not bow down or worship any statures, Like The Blessed Mother and JESUS SAYS I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE NO ONE GOES BEFORE GOD EXCEPT THROUGH JESUS


Thats crazy. ... i thought as long as you have faith a small as a musturd seed god will be there for you


Jesus says: "Harken the children onto me, for the Kingdom is as such" Mark 10:14 and
"Teach them the way when they are young, and when they grow older- they will NOT depart from it" -Proverbs 22
The Catholic Church however, is found guilty of formality and NOT taking things to heart. Childhood Babtism however was considered important to Catholics because of the Mortality rates of the past.
Today, with anti-Biotics and extended lifespans- the need for childhood commitance is required less as the speaker mentioned...


Tell us how you really feel? And what is your solution???? And who do you talk


Jesus said come as you are he didnt say go make yourself perfect and then come to me


So we get to heaven on our works then? It sounds like there's not much "Happy Time" with your Jesus 😢


I just celebrated my personal Year Of Jubilee....said yes to Jesus at age four....NONE of The Word goes out void NONE....maybe get your nose in His Word again...don't be so pessimistic please. EVERY, and again EVERY one of those children had The Word planted in them.
