The Life and Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket

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The 12th century was dominated by religion; the position of Archbishop of Canterbury was a high point for anyone in the middle ages. Although the king, Henry II, had little time for this. He would miss church services, and if he ever went, he'd spend most of it chatting with his courtiers or sketching. Henry appeared to be above all, including god. He was stubborn with a terrifying personality, some say in many ways similar to his mother. Henry could only be described as over the top. And anyone who crossed him took a considerable risk. One man did and would become a martyr in medieval England. His shrine is now at Canterbury cathedral, yet this was the scene in one of the most tragic endings in history. We now look at the sacred life and death of Thomas Becket.

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Рекомендации по теме

0:00 Intro
0:56 Chancellor
2:33 Archbishop
4:26 Untouchable
5:46 Deep Hatred
7:29 Traitor
9:12 Murder
11:33 Repercussions

Thank you for watching my latest video 🙏🏻
Have a great week, and see you again soon! Jon 🤴🏻


I think we all know how his life ends,
but I knew so little about his actual life.
Absolutely fantastic story telling! Great
intertwining of their lives, everything.
Awesome as always!


You had me at the edge of my seat as you told every detail of Thomas Becket’s life. I never heard of him, but Now I know of him thanks to you. Your work is exceptional. Thank you Jon. Have a good evening sir.


Superb Jon as always, becket was a far from perfect man, he changed his life style and became man of God he didn't deserve his life to end in such a brutal way. 😊👍


Always a pleasure to watch, thank you 💚


Thank you Jon! Keep up the great work!


Your presentation was top notch Jon. He lead a lavish life, but his end was brutal. Thank you 🙏


No matter what occupation, or life path one chooses, greed may cause a tragic outcome...


As always enjoyed this very much & found it an Interesting part of history. Both men were corrupt and abused their power. In Becket's case, what I see is how power & arrogance blinded him into thinking he could oppose the King and get away with it. A true man of God would not act as he did toward anyone. Despite this he did not deserve to die as he did, as is the case with any other person. Thanks Jon. 😊


Just dang 😢😢😢
I thought I knew about Thomas Becket but you have done him a great Justice❤❤❤
Well done


Always a joy to watch your films, thank you.


Great choice. Love this channel. Keep the episodes coming.


My partner owned Conquest House Palace St Canterbury where the four Knights stayed before going over the road and doing Becket


Just curious! How long and how much reference and studying do you do for these videos! Must be phenominal!!


I'm a Catholic. St Thomas Becket? This is like another Henry and another Catholic...St Thomas Moore. In medieval times politics and religion often collide as they do now.


You lost me at "For some reason..." Seriously? You have no idea why Thomas Becket might have given away all his worldly possessions and began charitable work when he became archbishop? Religion as a motivator completely mystfies you does it?


Thomas Becket... A most unchristian priest.

Chronic backstabbing disorder, and would wish to be above the law, and untouchable, betraying Henry at every turn of the way, whenever Henry tried to make peace.

He was supposed to work with Henry, but loved the treasures and trappings of his new position, and grew arrogant. He only got his position thanks to Henry, and he never showed gratitude.

Getting frustrated more and more, and into a drunken rant that he didn't intend for it to be taken literally, several knights decided to take matters into their own hands.

Becket thought himself above the law, would hide behind the church, and had a habit of betraying everyone, and not keeping his word, not to mention keeping taxes to himself, he made enemies. He would always mettle into the legal matters that Henry was trying to set up, but the priest constantly tried to manipulate it to his own liking. It was a matter of time before his chickens came home to roost.

Henry never intended to send his knights to kill the Archbishop. He was just ranting.


Priest can’t condemn anyone to eternal damnation and back then it would have been terrifying to tell people that. So then he ends up getting killed. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


It`s the tragic story of two friends.Henry thought, Thomas would make the decisions in favour of his king, as he made him the archbishop of was a terrible mistake, that ends in the murder of beckett.Henry had a lot to pay for hi soul....


I just found out today that I have direct decency of sir William de Tracy as a great grandfather…. It’s crazy because I’m Catholic and have prayed to st Thomas Becket… funny how the world works
