Steve Kerr the UNTOUCHABLE

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Jim-love hearing your perspective and I have learned from you, something this 70 year-old woman who has never played really appreciates. I’ve followed the Dubs since the Don Nelson era. I think people who push back are reacting to your tone and pent up frustration, not your observations. There is a legitimate difference between being seen to be attacking the person, and critiquing the strategy and decisions. Also, a lot of Dub Nation very much appreciates Steve’s role in creating the Dynasty and feel kindly toward him. You be you, though if your desire is to grow your viewership so that your ideas about what’s wrong spread, I think you will have more reach by reducing the heat and personality assessment of the Coach. . Just so you know, on the day after the Spurs game I didn’t watch your content. I was looking for cool incisive commentary to calm me and help me better understand what happened and why. I waited a couple of days to watch you because I wasn’t ready for what the thumbnails told me were going to be your heated and intense reactions. I don’t comment on YouTube creators, just their content. If I don’t like how they serve it up, I move on. I have no desire to move on from your channel. I value your assessments. I hope you take my unsolicited feedback in the spirit it is intended.


Keep giving excellent analysis. If they can take our money gor salaries they can take iur criticism for our respect as well. Part. Of. The. Job.


I refrain talking about coaching staff fans can be so polarizing, Careful Jim


Athletic Alchemy criticizes Steve Kerr all the time. Never saying hes a bad coach. Just that he makes some questionable decisions.


So what is he running the team in the ground .


Let the season play out more, as stated many times before, I’m not ready to hang Kerr out to dry just yet … bottom line Kerr not on the court …. It’s up to the team to play the game to the best of their ability .


Idk from pur perspective it seems like kerrs fault, but neither me or you are in their place rn, so obv we dont know his or his staffs reasoning, for the rime being its someones fault but not definitely kerr
