Just Jesus | Pastor Mike Jr.

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Official Video of "Just Jesus" by Pastor Mike Jr.


#JustJesus #PastorMikeJr #PMJBEONIT
Oh, Oh, Oh, Yes, God
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh

I don't need a choir or a praise team, I'll sing by myself.
If you see me cry with my hands raised, I'm just overwhelmed.
Cause if you knew the pit he pulled me out of, you would understand.

All I had was Jesus, just Jesus
Jesus, just Jesus.
All you need is Jesus, just Jesus
Jesus, just Jesus.

I don't need a song with a lot of words or a good melody.
I don't need a voice or a lot of runs or a need to be seen.
I don't need these lights or a stage for you to fill this place.

All we need is Jesus, just Jesus
All we need is Jesus, just Jesus
Fill this room
Oh Jesus
Just Jesus
All we need is Jesus, Jesus.

Forever and always we'll call that great name
Forever and always we'll call that great name
Forever and always we'll call that great name.
Forever and always we'll call, we'll call Jesus, just Jesus.

Jesus, just Jesus.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

We will call on Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
When I don't know what to say, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
The Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf, oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Nothing but Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, just Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
We call on Jesus, we'll call on Jesus, we call on Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I don't need a song with a lot of words or a good melody.

Music video by Pastor Mike Jr. performing Just Jesus. © 2025 Rock City Media Group, under exclusive license to ReThink Music & Capitol CMG, Inc.
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Download “JUST JESUS” now… I know without a doubt God gave me this song.


JUST JESUS❤ “if you knew the pit he pulled me out off you’ll understand” that’s the verse


When my family left me alone after the lost of my grandma.She was my best friend.I was heartbroken.Than I found Jesus I’m at peace now🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Pastor Mike, thank you for showing the world what a surrendered posture looks like. Last Sunday was so NEEDED!!! No performance, No routine and No agenda. Just Jesus. BACK TO THE BASICS... For your obedience, May God grabt you more wisdom, knowledge and strength!


OMG. This was it... Just Jesus all 2025.. Pastor Mike thank you for all you do. ITS FOR US .😢😢😢😢 Lord all I been going through. JESUS JESUS


The fairness of God. He doesn’t look at talent or performance when we worship. He looks at the heart. It can be the most simple and off key, but a true heart God desires. Jesus said a man beating his chest saying - Remember me - that prayer is heard as its sincere - so then for worship. In the book of Revelations the angelic worship in heaven was just. “Holy, Holy, Holy” - so simple.


JESUS!!!! Thank you Pastor for being a pastor and not an entertainer like so many out there.


🙏🏾 Amen. Just Jesus. There is no other name. Thank you for this song.


Jesus knew that I needed this song on this day! I finally started the grieving process of losing my best friend, 2 uncles, and my grandma, and it has been hard! I've just been holding all of the pain inside going through the days the best that I was able to, which was making me I know that things happen, and we don't or can't explain, we may even ask why at times, but I've learned not to question God. Just understand and pray about it!
Jesus.... Just


Jesus the name above every name 💯. Hallelujah Jesus 🥹🙌🏽


Whew…the way I jus’ BOO-HOOOOed after hearing “Just Jesus”…I wasn’t ready! My God!!!😭🙌🏾😭🙏🏾


What beautiful song😢 to connect with God


Just JESUS!!! My God you are up to something. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I tumble across this song after leaving urgent care. It blessed my soul, my pressure was so low I could have died but JESUS, I found comfort in this song thank for letting God use you.


Its power in the NAME!! Demons have to flee! JUST JESUS... all we need is JESUS!! What can stand against you when you call on the name of Jesus! YES, LORD THE MORE YOU AND LESS OF ME.. feel me up Jesus. Make me over again another you the potter im your clay


Just lost my grandmother. Pastor Mike this song is right on time! GOD is always on time❤


No Other Place I rather be than in the presence of Jesus! Thank you Holy Spirit for pouring out your Spirit on the believers!


This is so perfect! Thank you Jesus! Got me fighting tears at work!


This will be on repeat all day... ALL I HAVE IS JESUS.. JUST JESUS. The name of Jesus is a strong tower I can run in and be safe. THANK YOU so much making this song so simple to worship with today.


I really need to hear this tonight. 😢 I need Jesus to step in for my mother.
