Wolverine Heals Faster Without His Adamantium

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Wolverine Heals Faster Without His Adamantium #shorts #wolverine #marvel #marvelcomics
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His definitely overall stronger with the adamantium, sure his base stats go higher without it but not high enough to beat heavy hitters like the hulk, the durability he gets it's to unbroken


He's definitely stronger with it, even with the reduced healing. Decapitating him, one of the proven ways to kill him, is much harder if you have to cut through adamantium neck bones. His claws are also much sharper, and he's physically stronger because he can use more of his natural strength without risk of breaking his own bones.


It fully depends on the author. Because if I recall correctly the first time the adamantium got ripped out of him, his healing overclocked to the point of absurdity, healing him even AS he was being damaged.

It also turned him almost completely feral over time.


Wolverines Mutation was essentially put in stasis since being bonded with adamantium, his body and regeneration factor are being overworked from adamantium poisoning and his body constantly trying to evolve.


There is one thing that even the writers usually forget.

With a indestructible skeleton means that one of his organ will always survives everything, his brain.

And if you look closer, spinal cord will survive very well too

So you CAN'T actually kill him unless you destroy every single cell in his body than melt his skeleton to liquid, he pretty much survives everything.


True. Both versions of Wolverine, the one with adamantium and the one without have their pros and cons. If you're old enough to remember when Magneto ripped the meatl off his bones in the comics that followed once he completely healed and his healing factor was back up and running it was 2x as fast. His claws had hardened to.the point where he sliced a car door clean off the car and he was still going toe toe and was even faster than Lady Deathstrike, Sabertooth and a few others that used to give him a tough time. He even mutated further once Stryfe tried to fuse his bones again with adamantium and he rejected the operation mid way just to save his fellow Xmen. That caused him to become Ferel Wolverine ( if youre old enough you know what im talking about) where he doubled in size and all his abilities wrre at max x 2. There another tube channel that made a comment that if it wasnt for the adamantium in his body Wolverine would be more like Sabertooth in strength and ferocity.


He's significantly better off with the adamantium skeleton than without it. But, here's my question to you, Dan, do you think Wolverine is superior to Sabertooth?


"Without Adamantium he gets merced by the Predator..." is all you had to say.
Without Adamantium he is more feral, more ferocious, and much more dangerous on the offensive; he's faster, more agile, lighter and quieter....but his healing factor can't handle the BIG injuries all that well.


Hi, first here it seems.

I do believe heat is a greater risk for Wolverine with his Adimantium skeleton, also any one with the ability to bend metal can easily beat him.


He reminds me more of a porcupine in bone claw form. Like if he never got adamantium his main move would be to just stab and break.


He survived the metal being pumped in, he survived it being ripped out. Wolverine will regenerate so long as he has at least 1 fan.


I just think back to "Days of Future Past" film. When Wolvie tried to attack the Sentinels, but bone claws do absolutely nothing


Here's what i think, the adamantium is what makes wolverine a powerful hero. But without it he's no different than deadpool. He's lost a lot of battles when he didn't have adamantium.


You are correct sir!! As most red blood cells are formed within the bone-marrow it’s self, it is a fact that, cells for replication are present, but you touched on a point I’ve always wondered about, how can these cells and blood be absorbed into the vascular, and be distributed into the body for replication, when incased in one of the strongest metals ever! I apparently have WAY too much time in my hands!!


One thing I will submit to evidence for no adamantium is the evolution of his mutation that happens that one time Erik ripped out his metal. He was a monster - strong and fast enough to blitz the X-Men singlehandedly.


Think it depends on how long he's been without the Adamantine. Because eventually he becomes this weird beast thing that heals insanely fast


Besides durability, there's also his claws getting the ability to be both unbreakable and cut through practically anything that isn't some other comics super-metal. Even if the Endurance/Durability trade-off did favour him not having the adamantium, he wouldn't be able to chop up sentinels cuz his claws would just shatter against them


Think about how broken he’d be if they would’ve put Vibranium on his skeleton. Instead, he would weigh a lot less so he’d be as quiet as Black Panther. He would be just as durable. And he wouldn’t have to deal with the drawback of being constantly poisoned.


Iirc, at one point in the comics, Xavier explained that the adamantium was actually holding back the natural progression of Logans mutation. If he hadn't been bonded with adamantium, he would have eventually become more animalistic like Sabretooth but since his healing factor was constantly dealing with the adamantium in his body, it never went that far. That's why when Magneto stripped the adamantium from his body during Fatal Attractions, he became feral. It wasn't just him losing his mind but also his mutation finally working towards it's next stage. Tbh he would be much more effective without the adamantium. Yeah he would lose the durability that it provided but in turn he would be much more agile from losing the extra weight from the adamantium and his healing factor would be more efficient. The biggest downside would be having to control his more animalistic nature as his mutation progressed. However, with the help of telepaths like Xavier and Jean Grey, he would be able to control his feral instincts. You also have to keep in mind that with his healing factor being unrestricted he would effectively be immortal. Yeah he would eventually die but his life would be considerably longer. At the end of the day though, it's gonna be different based on the writer.


Wolverine is also super fast without adamantium because with it he weights like 400 pounds
