11 Tips That Will Make You an Awesome Letting Agent (Part 2 of 3)
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In this 5 min (ish) video, Maz Adam Iqbal and Paul Chambers, who own a couple of successful Letting and Estate Agencies in Sheffield share their top 11 tips on how they can operate their agencies at arms length from London; whilst retaining good staff, keeping costs moderate, having two agencies over 100 miles away from them that they visit only a couple of times a year …and done so successfully for years.
The videos are set into 3 parts
Over the three videos, they share their 11 tips which enable them to run them successfully, and those tips include ..
1. Getting Staff involved in all the Business Decisions
2. Working on the Business instead of in the business
3. Not taking any c**p personally
4. Walking away from cheep fee landlords
5. Having great staff and colleagues
6. Having great systems
7. Controlling costs
8. Going Paperless
9. Customer Care
10. Marketing that works
11. Training the staff
The videos are set into 3 parts
Over the three videos, they share their 11 tips which enable them to run them successfully, and those tips include ..
1. Getting Staff involved in all the Business Decisions
2. Working on the Business instead of in the business
3. Not taking any c**p personally
4. Walking away from cheep fee landlords
5. Having great staff and colleagues
6. Having great systems
7. Controlling costs
8. Going Paperless
9. Customer Care
10. Marketing that works
11. Training the staff