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Hey guys! What's up?
I've been seeing Martis getting banned lately.
If he's not banned, he gets the first pick.
For those wondering why here are 5 reasons why Martis is meta right now:

5. Martis can get ____.
Yep, even with a tank build, Martis can get the last hit with the help of his ultimate.
Just wait for the mark to appear and you got yourself a kill.
Who doesn't want kills, right?
Getting the kill means more gold for you.

4. Martis is very ____.
With Martis you can have different builds.
He can go for attack speed build because of his passive.
Or skill based damage dealer because of the low cooldown of his skills.
Tank build because two of his skills have crowd control.
It is up to you what strategy you like that could help the team.

3. Martis has ____ duration.
Nope, that is not a typo.
When combining skills he can hold down enemies long enough for teammates to help.
It can be short if you look at each skill separately,
The best way to know this is if you are at the receiving end of Martis's skills.
Using Petrify as Martis's battlespell and can hold down the enemy longer.

2. Martis's crowd control skills are all _____.
This means he can stun/knock up multiple enemies at once.
This kind of skill is highly valued in team fights.
His first skill, Ashura Aura when timed right can be deadly in a clash.
Also, the cooldown of that skill is quite low compared to other skills with AoE stun.

1. Martis has ____.
Martis has no dash skill but his 2nd skill, Mortal Coil is almost like one.
He can easily escape a bunch of enemies by using Mortal Coil.
And let's not forget that he is immune to crowd control while perfoming this skill.
Using Mortal Coil will also do a mini stun to your opponent if they are in the way.
Without this, he'd be an easy prey to assasins like Lancelot and Gusion.
Same as chasing, the enemy can only run since Martis is immune to crowd control when using Mortal Coil.
The range of Mortal Coil is pretty decent when compared to other dash skills.

So, should you buy Martis?
Yes, he is an all-around solid hero with good teamplay skills.
The only reason you would hate Martis is because of his hair.

What do you like and dislike about this hero?
Share your thoughts in the comment section.

This video has Martis highlights and a short Martis gameplay.
I hope you enjoyed watching.
If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to comment.
Рекомендации по теме

banned cuz of CC and aoe skill
just build 3 CDR- and 3 tank build
that's enough
Martis is so useful in fights


That Valir just gave up on life because he knows you’re there


What i like about this hero is he is op
What i dislike about this hero is he is op


Kagura, Lancelot, Gusion and Johnson users. Which one is the happiest right now? Because one of them gets released from the shackles of banned draft pick hero. 🚫🚫🚫😅


He is still meta! MARTIS MAIN HERE! 💪🏾


And now he got nerf so martis users (like me) would be pretty angry at the same time sad


For me Martis is my favorite hero because he's the only character that has a damage reduction to him self and have an unstoppable second skill some people say he's weak because for all the nerfs that he got after he's release,
But for me Martis is still fighters that I used he's very strong if you understand him completely


I don't care many people hate Martis but for me he is best hero and got MVP 😊 on him when I use him and he is my best pick in mobile legends ☺😎


Ok so my thoughts about this hero is:

1.He is OP
2.His 2nd skill is good for escaping
3.Like his quotes
4.He is my Favorite Fighter


the best think i like is he doesn't need mana


Damn, i miss this martis so much. Thry need to buff him again, hes so weak right now unlike before. But why is it that they nerfed him so much but most meta heroes as of now are still op? We need martis back.


Well I guess that explains why martis is not used recently (from what I have seen)
I was looking forward to use martis in survival but he never came up...so I was wondering why...and as well as in classic mode, rank mode, brawl and in draft pick, which in the past days martis was usually used in those modes but now almost none uses him.

What I like about martis is he is op
What I dont like about martis is when I use him we always lose. I dont know why but I get atleast 15-20 kills using martis but we still lose...maybe this is because of my teammates....and I know what are the items used for martis...it can either be my teammates or the enemy.
I would buy martis if he wont get nerfed (even though he is likely to get nerfed) because I like using fighters and he is one...

I wonder what he will be like when he gets nerfed


Your video is Soo good..n also Martis is my fav hero in moba legends😍😀I have learnt Soo many thing in this video I hope u continue ur video..btw best of luck.


Tbh *Marshit* (i did this on purpose) is a mistake by Moonton...High damage, low cd, aoe cc, immunity...
When he was first release in advance server people including me just like 'Nah he is not worth it' but after he got the knock back, he is rn a meta yet broken hero...Marshit can easily dominate a match

Do you guys think he need to be nerf?


Thanks for this video...i can't decide who the hero i will buy...now i know it'll be Martis...More informative videos like this... Thanks again!!


TBH i prefer martis this way, i mean look at how many fighter been use in ML now? its like 2/10, people rarely use it, and even if they use it, they build them as tank.fighters role is different from tank so i hope martis can be a role model of proper fighter because as u can see, fighter like freya, zilong, etc cant stand against assasin even thou fighter should have more base hp than assasin.martis is the right definition of fighter


Yes i agree he is really strong hero sir, while many people is complaining about how he cannot take on other fighter with the same damage build, and here i am embracing how good he is if used on the teamfight especially with tank or semi tank build. He can dive in and dive back with immunity bonus from his second skill, poke the enemy, controlling the teamfight


So, should you buy Martis?
me: no. why i have to buy a hero, whom always got banned.. and with many people complain about it, i think he will get NeRfEd(i hope so)


No matter if your good in martis if your a solo player mlbb is about squads :( sadlyf!

Btw thanks for the inspiring video!
Keep up the good work!!


Should you buy martis
Yes, if you play tank or fighter
Tank martis is cancer
