Is the New Testament Reliable? (Bart D. Ehrman)

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Dr. Ehrman debated Craig Evans on March 31, 2010 over the reliability of the New Testament. Here are a few select excerpts from the debate containing information that every Christian should know about their bible. Some facts about the New Testament:

The new testament may contain as many as 11 forgeries, letters that were written in the name of someone other than the person who actually wrote them (The term "pseudepigraphy" is often used instead of "forgery", but the meaning is identical):

Bart Ehrman's books:

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I get happy everytime when i watch this!


How many Christians do you think know this?

How many know it, but pretend it's not a problem for their belief?

How many of those people are lying to themselves to protect themselves from having to deal with the enormous possibility that their belief is based on flimsy ground?


Bart Ehrman is telling just what Quran said. Hopefully Christians wont say Mohammed(as) did research on early Greek manuscripts of gospels. LOL


Christianity rests on shaky historical grounds indeed.


Ehrman admitted in his debate with Dr. James White on you tube that the New Testament is by far the best attested work of antiquity out of all the documents of the ancient world. Ehrman also admitted in that debate that as far as variants in translations, it was not the view of the Apostles to not believe in inspiration just because there were variants. The apostles quoted the old testament in the new and there were variants but just because there were variants that doesn't mean that God didn't preserve his word. Christians don't think that we know the Bible better than the Apostles so variants aren't a problem for God's word to be inspired. Note, the Apostles were taught the scriptures by the Lord Jesus.


Oh wow this is really bad it basically destroys Christianity


Wow! His statements are the equivalent of just dropping the mic and walking off! Thanks for the video.. started becoming a fan of Ehrman..


Ehrman is great i have his Books and its also a pleasant to watch him speak


Dr. Bart Ehrman may ALLAH guides you. You have finished the Christianity. Islam is a preserved version of Christianity and Jewdism. Thanks


That was awesome! Does it matter? Answer: it should if you care about truth!


The answer to his question is in the Quran


What about Revelations, is that changed? Cause everything whatever is written in the Revelations is really happening.what do u have to say about that?


I will say this from experience. The bible has many inconsistencies I've seen first hand. For me the truth is important. I would also prefer to resd about original copies. For others the Christian religion has helped them in a very positive way and I will not take that away. There are the fanatics though who creap me out that get so bent out of shape, then attack, judge, and criticize others in a very hostile manor and justify thier actions with a random piece of a scripture. I believe compassion should always be number one in any faith. Judgements and threatening someone of burning in hell doesn't work. This is an excellent video, I am corious of what his current findings are.


Bart D Ehrman is my favorite because in his translations he does not change the meanings of the Gnostic scriptures as Marvin Meyers and others do. Type into the search bar above
"The Gnostic Truth, The Sacred Secret".


Great video! I never really got a sense of Bart's passion through his books like I do here. It's energizing.


Peter wrote a diary of what he learned of John the Baptist. It involved divination and healing secrets. Only 8% of his writings survived. The rest was Roman writings that over-wrote his teachings. Even the Book of John, which was at first some of John's revelations/prophesies, and some of his wisdom teachings, did not survive the Roman re-writers. I believe there was a name change to Jesus from John the Baptist. The only reason I can understand it is, people remembered John, his divination and healing teachings, and above everything else the divination teachings had to be suppressed or we would have a free world today, and to get around that the Romans simply had to give the Christ a different name (Jesus).


The Tractate Sanhedrin (43a) contains this passage:

Jesus was hanged on Passover Eve. Forty days previously the herald had cried, “He is being led out for stoning, because he has practiced sorcery and led Israel astray and enticed them into apostasy. Whosoever has anything to say in his defense, let him come and declare it.” As nothing was brought forward in his defense, he was hanged on Passover Eve.


Minute 2 second 24
The only words of God written on tablet of stone preserved are the 13 commandments. They were written and spoken into the Jews some like 4000 years ago. But the people were so afraid of the presence of God in their lives until Jesus....
I don’t care if there’s orthographic in the New Testament I want the presence of Jesus in my life


I love Bart, but he is dead wrong about extrabiblical mentions of Jesus. We have 4.

3 of them were from Roman Centurions who knew him personally. In fact, one of them is the one who claims to have impaled him.

The other was a Roman Mage. They showed all of it on a Nat Geo investigation of the Passover.


Ehrman always smokes Evans in their debates.
