I Applied Vaseline On My Face For 7 Days *crazy results* 😱🤯

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Hello you guys,
I applied Vaseline on my face for 7 days and the results were crazy, this is definitely something I’m going to stick with. These results were unexpected 😱

Some benefits of using Vaseline
* Face & body moisturizer
* Heal minor skin scrapes and burns
* Save split ends
* Remove makeup
* Preserve perfume scents

Absolutely in love with the Vaseline petroleum jelly 😍
Amazing, would definitely recommend!

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A little about me:
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* nationality: Sri Lankan
* born and raised: Dubai, UAE
* currently living: Belarus
* height: 5 ft

I applied Vaseline on my face, I applied Vaseline on my face for a week, Vaseline benefits, skincare, dry skin solutions, how to get rid of dry skin, how to heal dry skin, how to get rid of dry spots around the body, Vaseline for seven days
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As a person struggling with eczema on my face, sometimes vaseline is the only option and it works great!❤️


if ur acne prone, cleanse your face and moisturize, THEN add the vaseline. (not only for acne prone)
basically vaseline locks EVERYTHING in, so that includes all that gunk, so if you cleanse ur face AND moisturize you get a lot of moisture and no acne!


As someone from a country were it's normal to use Vaseline . Vaseline works better in winter then in summer, in summer it makes you sweat that's why we use it a lot in winter. Some people use it to have a "glow" .


I use Vaseline under my eyes when it gets irritated by a product or feel dryer than usual and it works very well, I also sometimes use the eye cream on top of the Vaseline to avoid more irritation. I never thought of using it on the rest of my face. I will try this one day. Thank you, great video.


If you're like me, you have oily T zone, so when I apply Vaseline I skip on the nose and forehead. I only apply to nose or forehead if I have a sore.
Petroleum jelly changed my life too. I've spent (wasted) so much money on the right moisturizer when all along, I just needed a tub of Vaseline. And I can't stress enough how INEXPENSIVE it is! A large tub of petroleum walmart brand costs 5 dollars or so! I'm in love.


I started using vaseline on my face like a few days ago, and tbh i wasn't expecting much of a change. As soon as i saw this video on my recommended i clicked it straight away, what perfect timing. Im going to continue putting vaseline on my face :)


Her : talking abt Vaseline
Me : getting anxiety when she's applying with her long nails 🥲😭


A dermatologist told my sister to use it on her skin cancer scar after they removed the cancer. When I seen my sister I told her I couldn't see where they removed the cancer, so yes Vaseline did a wonderful job.


Vaseline is non-comedogenic it won't clog the pores. It is best to apply on a damp face because it will trap the moisture from the water and not let it evaporate keeping it hydrated.


As a nail tech, vaseline will cause the acrylic to lift. It will cause green mold. I love vaseline and used it to remove my makeup.


U can use vaseline after your night moisturizer to clog the moisture in your skin for a long time, but make sure you use a right amount of both ..not too much or too little


Vaseline and Hydrogen peroxide is definitely my go to. While the hydrogen peroxide removes and kills bacteria to produce bumps. it also brightens the complexion while Vaseline seals in water to your skin to keep it plum and healthy. ❤️ i can't tell you how great of a mix those 2 are. loved the video by the way.


I apply at night and I wake up to super soft facial skin in the a.m. I have recently started making sure to apply to brows and eyelashes at night as well. I think I'm already noticing some thickening of brows and eyelashes with this. I don't use vaseline every night on my entire face. I use every other night for entire face. Every night I am applying to brows and eyelashes and dryest spots. This seems to give me the soft skin I desire and avoid getting it overly oily. I didn't see this as a suggestion posted so I thought I'd post. Definitely good cleansing is needed prior to application along with using every two or three nights works for me to keep things balanced so I thought it might help some who've tried this and gotten too oily.


i have acne prone skin and i started adding vaseline to my nighttime skin care routine 2 days ago and my skin already looks glowier & more hydrated!


Hi! In the morning do you wash off Vaseline with a gentle cleanser or just water enough? Thank you! 🙂


Vaseline has been around for years for a reason. I stopped using cerave and now I use Vaseline. Mostly because the cerave price is ridiculous now and Vaseline works better for my aging skin.


As a person from Pakistan it is rarely that someone uses chapstick for their dried or chaped lips, they'd rather use vaseline


I've been applying vaseline on my face for 3 months now every night...and the results are crazyy...my skin has started glowing more and my pores have gotten smaller somehow...!!! although i wake up with a an oily nose in the morning which gets away when i wash my face and that hasn't caused any acne whatsoever so I'm fine with it!


My mom has been doing this for over 30 years! Every time I tell someone her age they're like no way! LOL Her face has always been baby smooth too, no blemishes nothing :)


I am 63 and I apply Vaseline every night after I moisturize. I also use it on my hands and cuticles and on my neck.
