New FLEX Impact Driver VS Milwaukee GEN 3 TOOL TEST (You Won't Believe This!)

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New FLEX Impact Driver VS Milwaukee GEN 3 TOOL TEST (You Won't Believe This!) We put the Milwaukee Gen 3 M18 FUEL impact driver up against the new FLEX tools 24V impact driver and you won't believe these results! You have been asking for a tool test between Milwaukee and Flex for awhile now, today we show the #veyrcoolgang which brand comes out on top for the best impact driver. We decided to test both of these impact drivers to their limits by using spade drilling bits and driving lag bolts as our testing criteria. Let us know what you think of the #tooltestraw results in the comments section below and which impact driver is your favorite.
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My flex impact is the best impact I’ve ever owned. Been doing HVAC for years. Never let’s me down, no issues, and lifetime warranty


The real question is did you pay more for the wood in the test or the tools


I will stay with Milwaukee, m12 and m18 platform.


Milwaukee all day, but much kudos for Flex to enter the market with a very competitive line up of power tools.

Competition is seriously a good thing.


Team Milwaukee- Invested and very happy with all my m12 & m18 purchases!😎 -Plumbing contractor


Great vid. I prefer Milwaukee but I'm glad to see Flex did so well. They are new and should preform better than a 2+ year old tool. It also means Milwaukee will need to step up their game. Which, is good for everyone. It may be wise to invest in both at some point. Time will tell.


Great test guys! As always! I'm already on the Milwaukee platform M18 and M12. Flex might be a little faster but with all the tools Milwaukee's has and growing, I can't see changing platforms at this point. Can we mention an 18V tool is giving a 24V tool a "run for it's money"?


Sticking with my Ryobi. As a home DIY person, that extra few seconds doesn't bother me.


The dewalt guy - "trust me I know How it feels"



My first battery drill set was Makita. Awesome set, still runs! I then went to Rigid because I thought that the LSA was a good value. Then I realized I needed some tools Rigid just didn’t offer. So I supplemented my tool set with Milwaukee’s M12 line. After a great experience using the M12 line, I sold my Rigid tools and went M18. Extremely happy with Milwaukee. For me, I will stay with Milwaukee but I appreciate and encourage the innovation from Flex. At some point Milwaukee will re-vamp their offerings and will make their tools even better/powerful. Milwaukee offers an expansive line of tools that gets the job done for me! As always great video! Well done 👍🏻. Hope you are having a great weekend!!!


Vince, just to get your tech talk right, voltage is all about potential (stored but not used) energy and the higher the voltage the higher the potential energy. Voltage is basically energy. The difference in potential energy is what allows electric current to flow which is why birds don't get fried on open power lines. Both feet are tied to the same voltages. However, 12v to 0v (ground) is how you get electric current flow. So, the higher the voltage the higher the energy to move electricity through a wire. Just remember, voltage does NOT ever heat a wire. It's the current flowing through the wire is what creates heat. High current = high heat. High voltage means better flow of that current through a wire.
Finally, think of power (watts). Power is voltage times current. If I want to get less current through a wire, I would need more voltage so if I have 120v and 240v I would use less current to get the same amount of power as 120v since i have to double the current and therefore the heat which is why 240v table saws have so much less heat for the same power.


I've already invested a few THOUSAND dollars in m12 and M18 tools and batteries, not saying the flex isn't a great tool. But also some people already know flex may have problems them 1st year or 2 (case in point) the hammer and anvil. So I'll keep on team red!!!


I do auto work, some intermediate contracting work, as well as rehab homes as a side hustle. The real reason I went with Milwaukee as a primary tool platform was because there was a diverse tool lineup. Yeah, you can piecemeal your working tools together from different OEMs but then you'll have fewer batteries that interchange, a bunch of different chargers, and different warranty terms to remember. I like that I can set up my work lights and my ratchet and impact gun use the same battery. I like that no matter what tool chest or work bag I grab, there's simplicity in the platform. I hear that Milwaukee is more expensive than some other brands and it's true, but the higher cost is justified in having fewer issues in my workflow and simplicity in my tool boxes in my opinion. They might not have the fastest or strongest tool in every category (although I'd argue they have best tools in several categories, ) but that doesn't really matter. They've got simplicity, dependability, and user experience figured out.


Dewalt xr is my team and have no problems. But the company i work for uses Milwaukee so i see both frequently.... dewalt performs well enough all the time that i wound not consider switching out my collection


I have the flex drill and it's an animal but I'll stick with milwaukee on everything else.


I new too tools and I just wanna say thank you for all the work you guys put in. Your my standard go too forever. For the price I went with XTR line. I like Milwaukee and Makita the most but unfortunately the toooo expensive right now! For all you that have those you’ll blessed but then again we all blessed people.


Alright! We were waitin' for this! THANKS! As someone who's about to upgrade to new top tier tools from the midrange stuff, Flex looks like the way to go, ESPECIALLY with the founders warranty. Also, having watched teardowns/disassembly of the tool you can see they are building these well.

I still own and love certain Milwaukee tools, but as far as Drills and the Angle Grinder go, Flex has my vote for now.


I’m a Milwaukee fan, the flex looks great! I’m staying with Milwaukee for it’s reliability and the warranty is outstanding, excellent quality tools, great quality video ty,


I bought into the Milwaukee battery system years ago and I've been happy with it. When you buy power tools you don't just buy the tool, you buy the system. Wouldn't make much sense for me to change to Flex just because it may be marginally better here or there. For someone looking to start they're tool collection though it's definitely a contender.


Would a makita impact driver be a good impact for putting on and taking off vehicle accessories or what would you recommend?
