A Rheumatologist Explains: Mixed Connected Tissue Disorder

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Getting a diagnosis of Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder (MCTD) is confusing. Is it Lupus? Is it Arthritis? Is it Scleroderma?Learning how to frame this diagnosis will help you better understand your symptoms and partner with your doctor so that you can start feeling better!

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⏱Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
2:15 How we categorize autoimmune conditions
5:34 How we categorize MCTD
7:04 Lupus + Myositis + Scleroderma
8:52 Common MCTD symptoms
9:56 The anti-RNP antibody
11:50 MCTD is not Lupus
14:38 How to think about YOUR MCTD - what is the driver?

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👩🏻‍⚕️ About me:
Hello! I am Dr. Elizabeth Ortiz and I’m so happy you are here. I am a double board certified Rheumatologist with over 15 years experience practicing Rheumatology and am passionate about teaching & empowering patients to partner with their doctor.

We discuss all things Rheumatology, Immunology, Diet & Movement & Mental Health & Wellness because we believe IT IS ALL CONNECTED!

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional. Any comments and/or recommendations made in the comment section by anyone other than Connected Rheumatology does not reflect the opinion or recommendation of Connected Rheumatology.**
Рекомендации по теме

I have screloderma, sjhogrens syndrome and hoshimotos. My family doesn't believe there's anything wrong with me. It's very hurtful when I can't go shopping with them etc. And they give each other that look and then look at me as if I'm crazy. I have no support system .... I pray for them and myself


My appointment with my Rheumatologist is tomorrow. I hope she is as warm and personable as you. I appreciate you


Finally someone can explain my condition so well and make me feel I am not crazy


At 71, a rheumatologist finally diagnosed me with MCTD, and I couldn't be happier just sad at prognosis.
I have a tee-shirt with the message: "Im not lazy! Im just very good at doing nothing!" LOL!
There are over 100 illnesses that can be diagnosed under connective tissue disease. Some are intensified by autoimmune defiencies. Look it up!
All these decades, I have dealt with each one peeking itself through the others. I am so blessed with knowledge and a reason for it all. I wasn't kidding or being lazy. My body hurt and made itself so very fatigued and in system-wide pain.


Glad I found your video. I was dx, d with dermatomyositis, local scleroderma and pulmonary fibrosis in 1996. I was 35 and about 10 months postpartum. Was on prednisone for 15 yrs. In "remission" for 11 yrs now. Been a challenge over the years. My own husband of 30 yrs said he doubted me at times. We have been separated for over a year now. My heart goes out to your followers who are in the midst of this journey. You can get through this, get stronger, but this is your new normal. I did not get 100% of my strength back. I have accepted that and I do the best I can, one day at a time.


I would love to see you as a patient. My autoimmune history started in the first year of my life. I’m now 68 and feel like I’m just going down quickly. My life has consisted of pain at every turn. I’m enjoying your channel. I just found you recently.


Thank you for this explanation. I am a medical student and this really helped understand how patients deal with this diagnosis, as opposed to just reading sentences from textbooks.


Wonderful explanation of this condition. I was dx'd 6 hours ago with this condition. It explains all my chronic health issues that 20+ years of PCPs were unable to catch. Thank you for explaining in such a clear manner. ❤🙏


I was just diagnosed with MTCD and have felt very lost as to what is going on. I have done lots of research but it only seemed to confuse me. Unfortunately my rheumatologist is not as forth coming with information and feeling of hopelessnes and feel lost has increased. I want to thank you for this video as it's made me feel less lost and little more aware. THANK YOU


I’m so glad I found your channel. I love the way you take your time to thoroughly explain all these diseases.
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease at age 24 and I am now 59. Over the years I started with joint pain, swelling of my feet, knees, hands, wrists, and fingers. At first I was just dismissed to being told that it’s all in my head. I had pericarditis for the first time in 2001 and was told I had a fractured rib, until my internist did an echocardiogram on me. I had my second bout of pericarditis in 2004, which was a milder case. My third time with pericarditis in 2007, was the worst and I had to be hospitalized for a week.
Still no one could give me a definitive diagnosis. I had seen so many different rheumatologists and never given any diagnosis except to take some antidepressants.
I finally gave up and said I would just suffer. Then by 2015, I could hardly walk. I could hardly get out of bed. It was just hard for me to do anything anymore.
I work for an Ophthalmolgist and some of my patients referred my current rheumatologist to me. She ran all kinds of tests, but said nothing was showing up even though I had a really high Sed Rate. She just decided to diagnose me with sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis.
I have done research on my own and I just don’t believe that I have any type of RA. I’m on Xeljanz now and doing better, but I still get inflammation flare Ups in the most odd places and not bilaterally like RA. One finger will swell on one hand while my foot on the opposite side swells and hurts. It’s just so weird.
I also have a very high (167) PTH Intact level and a severe Vitamin D deficiency. My calcium levels are normal though.
I know without knowing all my information you can’t give me any diagnosis, but would you have any suggestions as to what further tests could be done? ANA normal, CRP normal. Sed rate always high.
Sorry this was so long, but I would appreciate any input or suggestions that you could give. Thank you for your video and I just subscribed to your channel.
Thanks again!


I wish there was a diagnoses tests for Fibromyalgia


This is such an amazing explanation! Thank you! First I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at the end of 2008. Then I was diagnosed with MCTD in 2013. Since then, I have also been diagnosed with Graves Disease and Thyroid Eye disease as well. I finally understand what MCTD is thanks to this video!!


Omy I am crying listening to my crazy story unfold. I struggled so much in my diagnosis journey. Military wife and moving alot didn't help AT FIRST. Eventually 7 years later an incredibly intelligent rheumatologist that resembles more of a club jumping beauty queen finally gave me this diagnosis. Er Dr's, family Dr's and even eye Dr's have argued that this is an actual disease. Thank you so very much for such an in depth description of such a complicated condition. Bless you!!


Brilliant Chanel thank god for people like you, we salute you 😘


Thank you so much! I have been diagnosed with MCTD and you have provided so much understanding. I feel like I finally have the right vocabulary to communicate with my rheumatologist!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to educate us. I am a nurse so found when I started developing various symptoms in 2011 that I had an autoimmune problem that was confusing, I started off with Sjogren’s symptoms with eyes so dry sometimes when I blink my eyelids would scratch my eyeballs. Then a hoarse voice, no saliva to swallow and painful lesions on my tongue. Next was neuropathy on my feet and unilateral joint swelling. One knee, one wrist, one elbow….yep. Then came burning rash spots on my arms. One day while walking up the stairs at the hospital my legs became so heavy it felt like I was dragging a ton of weight with each movement. It must be the flu, I thought. Then comes being outside in the summer and developing heavy painful legs only to find my thighs with cobblestone patches areas of reddish purple lines. My husband (a nurse as well) and German shepherd convinced me to continue going to a doctor for help. Finally an ANA test was ordered. I have been taken care of a by a rheumatologist who is pretty good. I think one symptom for me signaling an impending flare is insomnia, restlessness, and then just wanting to cry. Ugghh. Do your patients often complain of neuropathy? The neuropathy is now up to my knees.


So far everything was being blamed on Fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, low thyroid, fatigue? until I started having trouble with balance affecting my balance. Now my Neurologist is doing many tests! A year passed, still no diagnosis. Very stressful!


Thank you so much for this his video. My daughter in law is suffering terribly with many of the symptoms you talk about here without a definitive answer. I now understand that at any given season the driving force can change. God bless you!


Hi, i live in Sweden and I got my diagnosis when I was 18 years old. But for 12 years it was set as Lupus and a suspension of MCTD and it was at 30 and thanks to my wonderful doctor I got who is very very thorough. The thing is though that I have tried sooo many medications and I only have a few possible treatments left. I just tried Orencia a biological medicine but I am allergic to it. But I know I am so fortunate to live in Sweden and having free Healthcare and almost free medications, because where my body is now and have been I probably wouldn't have survived if I didn't live here in Sweden. And I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for people who don't have the help that I have. But even with the Healthcare system here in Sweden it's hard to be heard a lot of the time. I hope all of you are safe and as well as you can be out there! And thank you for spreading the information about MCTD.🥰❤


very informative and calming after my appointment i felt overwhelmed and unsure
