ANSYS FLUENT Training: Corona Virus Spread due to a Cough in Open Air

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Physical models of these discrete particles include two-way turbulence coupling, meaning the effect and interaction between the continuous and discrete phase by activating the interaction with continuous phase mode, Discrete phase also affects the continuous phase, stochastic collision means irregular droplets colliding with each other, coalescence means droplets merging with each other, and breakup that means the collapse of the droplets. Also, the type of discrete phase behavior will be time dependent and with a time step of 0.001 s (by activating the unsteady particle tracking mode).
By activating the discrete phase model, it is time to define the injection process, which determines the type and quality of discrete particles injected into the model. In this model, injection particles are defined as droplet; Thus, water is defined as a droplet material and water vapor is defined as an evaporating gas. The injection is performed superficially and through the inner surface of the patient’s mouth (inlet-mouth). According to this definition of injection, virus particles from human cough are physically expelled from the mouth by water droplets that are evaporating in space.