Highlight: Where Do You Stand on Christian Nationalism?

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Hey pastor Jeff, i would love to see you be a guest at the “Whatever” podcast where you can inform many viewers about the Gospel and also correct these gen z girls and boys on gender roles, abortion, transgenderism, etc. It would be an amazing podcast


There is a Christian nation in Heaven, that is sufficient for me.
"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." John 18:36


My brothers. Great answer. This is why watch this show. Learning something new every time. 🙏🏾


Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:27


Thank you brother for helping in the understanding of Christian responsibility to a dying world and how we ought now to live!!


Count me in, the last few years have shown me the alternative is utter insanity.


Being involved politically in voting for morality is one thing, but having kids saying the pledge of allegiance in Sunday school and an American flag next to the cross is another.


Christians teach that a loving god allows free will while at the same time seek to remove it themselves.


People don’t like the negative connotation that the words “Christian Nationalist” gives. I think that’s a hold up for a lot of faithful Christians. Personally I not feel bound to that phrase necessarily, but what my apologia brothers are describing here is the definition of Christian Nationalism that people like Joel Webbon are giving. The media has also done a great job of smearing that phrase with racist connotations.


Read the story of Jonah to find out what happens when the leadership says ok we will. The messenger who probably had a legitimate anger against Nineveh complained.


The biggest problem with the American version of Christian Nationalism is that it treats America like the new Israel and interprets OT passages that were prophecies about Israel/Judah as if they were written with the United States in mind. The other problem with American Christian Nationalism is that it elevates the constitution almost to Biblical authority, as if the constitution and the concept of democracy is the bar for what it looks like for God to bless a nation. Never mind the majority of Christians throughout the centuries who lived faithfully to Christ in countries that didn’t live under democracy or in capitalist society - and yet the church exploded and grew under conditions that most Americans wouldn’t call “blessed”.

I would encourage you to dig in a bit more into “Christian Nationalism” if you are going to say where you stand on it, instead of say, “I don’t even know what that means.” There is a lot to critique about it. But I assume you would lose a lot of your subscribers if you actually gave it a fair critique.


“God and country” eventually will become the worship of the dragon and the beast IMHO. How?

Who’s the god of this world? Did Jesus say His kingdom was of this world? Did He tell His followers to be of this world and to love the things of this world? Is friendship with this world enmity toward God?

Satan is the god of this world who gives power to the beast. So, there’s the god in “god and country”

If we look back on history, Rudolf Hess addressed about a million Nazi members and he stated, “Adolf Hitler is Germany just as Germany is Adolf Hitler.”

The beast (the antichrist) will rule this world for 42-months. He will be the commander of the worlds mightiest military, “who can make war with the beast”, and he will subjugate the world through military conquest as revelation chapter 6 verse two tells us.

He will be the new Caesar ruling over the new revived Roman Empire. And much like how Hitler and Caesar were viewed as the embodiment of their nation, the beast will will be viewed as the same. There’s nothing new under the sun and history repeats itself.

The beast will be a nationalist leader whose set on global domination.

So, you can see how “god and country” quickly becomes the dragon (satan) and the antichrist.

Come out of this world and be ye separate. Focus on Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done. America will be part of the antichrist one world government at some point (Rev 13:7).

Politics is of this world and it’s a false gospel. All political parties say the same thing. “Vote for me and I’ll make America a wonderful place.” This is a humanistic false gospel. There is no political solution to a spiritual problem. We need to recognize the signs of the times and that we are in the last days. There’s not going to be a political solution to this because who would get the glory?

Also, politicians could legislate all moral laws, however, that doesn’t mean people will follow them. The only way they could get people to follow moral laws is by forcing their will on the people. The only way Donald Trump could combat the evil and be his supporters retribution is through war. And if Trump made everything great again, who would get the glory?


When pastors or even us as Christian’s refuse to speak out against politics are being cowards.


Surprised YouTube servers didn’t explode during this premiere


Thank God America is his favorite nation‼️


I don't say the Pledge of Allegiance, even when I substitute teach, because my allegiance is to Christ. I will put my hand to my heart, but not say the words.


“If you don’t engage in politics as a pastor then you’re failing.”

Sorry, but Jeff Durbin isn’t the standard. The Bible is. And legislation does not “impose morality.” The Bible does. And this country is not governed by the Bible, it’s governed by the Constitution. And the Constitution is not biblical scripture. Apologia is Christian Nationalist without the title. But at best, they’re confused about the issue. God bless you all.


Its a straw man to offer that the Great Commission is wishful thinking if you don’t believe it means Christianity will come to dominate the world prior to Christ’s return. The Great Commission is about spreading the Gospel so that everyone in the world will either accept or reject it. But Jesus already said few will enter through the narrow gate. Most of humanity has and will reject the Gospel up until Christ’s return. The ideal government will come AFTER Christ returns, not before. That appears to be clear from Scripture.


What if a follower of Jesus believes America was founded on the "philosophies of the world", rather than on the Gospel? Whether or not this is true is a fabulous conversation worth having, but what should a Christian do if this is his conscience?

Should this Christian use the "political tools" created by the "philosophies of the world" to legislate God's will or should he preach the Gospel to a people who appear to have never heard the Gospel?

Furthermore, if the people have heard the Gospel, yet reject it, then what?
