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Dear Cycling,

I never really considered myself a cyclist.
I don't have skinny arms or a mustache. I've never even really liked coffee.
If I had to define myself as anything at all, it's a competitive guy, frequently at risk of becoming restless.
At times, greedy and all-together too curious about how far I can push myself.
Get me on a bike, and I'll passionately tell you about how cresting over a mountain feels, or how descending slows down time. Maybe I'll even convince you to ride until sunset.
Because thats what cycling is; it's the most intimate way to see a landscape, it's time travel, and it's romantic as hell
You don't need big calves, or a closet full of merino wool. But what you do need is a craving to seek comfort in the uncomfortable, and an unrelenting desire to explore; even if it's just your backyard.
It's been said in cycling that it never gets easier, you just go faster. If I were unimaginably bold, I would suggest one small change; not only will you go faster, you'll go further. Take it from me, one day riding 100 miles will feel like the first time you rode 25. You'll discover new and old faces and places alike. You might even discover yourself.

- John Borstelmann, Professional Cyclist
Рекомендации по теме

I like the part when the skinny guy with a beard pours himself a cup of coffee while saying he's never really considered himself a cyclist, doesn't have skinny arms or a mustache, and doesn't really like coffee, all before riding off on a bike.


The effect was much more apparent the second time around with the sound muted. Horrible script, nice visuals.
