How to Start a Cleaning Business (That Makes $25,000/Month)

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Have you ever wondered how to start a cleaning business? If you haven’t before, a better question might be: Do you want to be your own boss—and provide a valuable service for people and businesses in your community? A cleaning business can be a highly profitable way to achieve both goals.
And you don’t need much money to start a cleaning company, either. Compared to other common businesses, the overhead and start-up costs when you start a cleaning business are relatively minimal. You can set yourself up for long-term success if you know how to start a house cleaning business the right way.
In this interview, Corey Edmonds tells you how to start your own cleaning business. His pressure washing business, ProWash, made $300k last year and is on track to double that revenue. If you were wondering how much money you could make starting a cleaning business, that gives you some idea of the potential.
We asked Corey for his best advice and strategies on how to start a cleaning business. He shares his secrets for attracting and keeping clients, what equipment you need to get started, and how to quickly grow your revenue. This is one interview you don’t want to miss if you’re looking to become an entrepreneur with a cleaning business of your own.
0:00 Intro
2:22 Meeting Corey
4:35 Pricing Structures
7:03 Choosing Clients
9:04 Yearly Revenue
10:09 Cleaning A Property
12:25 Staff Salary Setup
14:09 Importance Of A Game Plan and Budget
15:47 Advertising Costs, Percentages and Sources
17:09 Customer Relationships
19:57 What Would You Do Differently
21:29 Outro
#cleaningbusiness #howtostartacleaningbusiness #business
And you don’t need much money to start a cleaning company, either. Compared to other common businesses, the overhead and start-up costs when you start a cleaning business are relatively minimal. You can set yourself up for long-term success if you know how to start a house cleaning business the right way.
In this interview, Corey Edmonds tells you how to start your own cleaning business. His pressure washing business, ProWash, made $300k last year and is on track to double that revenue. If you were wondering how much money you could make starting a cleaning business, that gives you some idea of the potential.
We asked Corey for his best advice and strategies on how to start a cleaning business. He shares his secrets for attracting and keeping clients, what equipment you need to get started, and how to quickly grow your revenue. This is one interview you don’t want to miss if you’re looking to become an entrepreneur with a cleaning business of your own.
0:00 Intro
2:22 Meeting Corey
4:35 Pricing Structures
7:03 Choosing Clients
9:04 Yearly Revenue
10:09 Cleaning A Property
12:25 Staff Salary Setup
14:09 Importance Of A Game Plan and Budget
15:47 Advertising Costs, Percentages and Sources
17:09 Customer Relationships
19:57 What Would You Do Differently
21:29 Outro
#cleaningbusiness #howtostartacleaningbusiness #business