8 Strange Places in the Afterlife – Swedenborg and Life

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Rainbows, turtles, and cities.
Are any of these a part of the heaven you imagine?
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In this episode, host Curtis Childs from the Swedenborg Foundation and featured guests explore the eight strangest places Swedish philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg described in his firsthand accounts of the afterlife.

Discussion points: Rainbows / Palaces of Light / Hell's Cask / Gift Cities / Two Londons / Houses / Turtles




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★☆★THE HOST★☆★

Curtis Childs is the digital media producer at the Swedenborg Foundation. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting weekly webcasts.


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I just lost my fiance to cancer..watching your videos helped me a lot to have a peaceful heart knowing that he is in a better place now


Great video. One of my best dreams was at a very dark time in my life, as I was hospitalized from a suicide attempt. I dreamed I was swimming in the open ocean with a group of huge sea turtles. The feeling I had was indescribable, warm, safe, and loved like I never felt before. That was the beginning of my Spirit Walk, and Spiritual awakening. I look forward to watching more of your videos. Much Love and Many Blessings :)


I have read a lot of the comments and wonder why man does not take the time to research and look at what you provide before judging you I found you and watched Swedenborg 101 and was Swedenborg crazy to gain better understanding and continue to watch everyday sometimes I get confused and go back and watch again for clarity I have been shown so much thru my life and Swedenborg has helped me by verifying what I have seen. Those who say he did not read the word are sadly mistaken .Keep up the wonderful work


These video's are absolutely fascinating. Thanks Curtis. You can see hints right here on Earth at the souls that will get attracted to all kinds of weird stuff and cheer it on. Crazy. But the whole purpose it seems is to move beyond some of these learning scenarios. So the school continues. Stuff like this is refreshing in this wacky world. Very happy to know deep thinkers exist in what appears to be a shallow world.


I wasn't allowed to see when I had my NDE, but I spoke with God, I had a very real experience that changed me, and it was amazing (for lack of a better word! ) I find this interesting, thank you.


Curtis!  I haven't viewed the sessions in a couple weeks due to other priorities... starting to get back into it now.  Wanted to tell you that you are THE PERFECT spokesperson for, well, just about anything.  Why?  Because the range or quality of your voice is just right and so is your visual presentation.  The blue of your eyes holds one's attention (is even captivating).  Overall you are appealing to look at while those looks are not distracting.  Also, your presentation delivery style is refreshingly casual, not stuffy.  OK, enough about you.

The Swedenborg sessions are spectacular.  Thank you for all the work you and your team do.  I've read many spiritual-based books and have had my own visions and experiences with that world through meditation.  I consider myself to be a Spiritualist / Buddhist and I recall reading somewhere that the Spiritualist movement was influenced or informed by Swedenborg.  If you could speak to that (Spiritualism & Swedenborgism) on some future broadcast, I would appreciate it.


We are like asleep here on Earth...true...though we are learning our lessons here too at the same time.


Fascinating stuff. Swedenborg's experiences and spiritual understanding is very consistent with the Baha'i teachings concerning the characteristics of the next world, so for me that is strong evidence that Swedenborg is the real thing and his experiences were real. He must have been an exceptionally mature soul to have been able to understand and communicate his experiences. He must have been very frustrated with the people of his time who did not give him a hearing. He hit the nail on the head concerning the clergy.


Again much thanks love your shows, You are such a beautiful wise man


I just realized this is the first show I saw that hooked me. It was the deep symbolism that rang true. I've always wished someone would write a counter-series to Left Behind, telling the beauty of Heaven instead of the nightmare of hell. Swedenborg has done that for me.


I know this may sound crazy but recently I started to see beautiful things along with flickering  stars. I have never had this experience before. The only way I feel that I can see these things is because I became a spiritual person almost a year ago and I meditate regularly. I find that the more I meditate, the more I get to see these things.. I feel at peace when i see these beautiful things.. Usually I see them when I am outside when it bright and sunny. I feel very blessed but at the same time I am curious of what I see. Your videos has helped me have a better understanding in what I am seeing now. I certainly believe what I see is everywhere around us, but some of you cannot see it because you are not in tune...


THANK YOU Curtis! This was brilliant, and easy to understand. Trying to read somw os Swedenborg's writing used to do my head in. However, the way you have beautifully expressed and articulated some of his work is WONDERFUL! Looking forward to going through the rest of your vids. CYA.


I find all of these very relaxing and very enjoyable


Lots of great material discussed.  Looking forward to the next one !! Thanks, Curtis !


Thank you for all your videos. You’ve helped me to understand how much God and Jesus loves us. I’ve always been an anxious person, especially with God. The more I immerse myself into the word of God, I relax. God wants us to love Him, and one another. Again, thank you.


Just so grateful for Swedenborg Foundation and Curtis- truly have helped my life Spiritually in such a way words are inadequate to describe
Sending Love and high vibrational energy to all involved with the Foundation❤❤❤


Some of what you discussed whas revealed to me in visions especially, the hypocrisy from church leaders through my gift of discerning of spirits . Great teachings.  Thank you.


After my mom passed away i was leaving a friend of mine a voice mail after saying two words i paused and took a breath and finishex my message as i was about to send it i got an odd urge to replay it and as i listened i heard the first two words and as i paused ny mothers voice plain as day said can you hear us the hair on my arms stood up i turned to my brother and said listen to this he did and he just stared at me and i saud did you before i could finish my sentence he said dude that was mom


Curtis, that was truly outstanding! It gives me a great sense of peace to know what to expect when I pass over. Thank you so much!


When I first started reading Swedenborg it was his memorable experiences that really interested me, not his doctrines. His experiences and visions totally blew my mind and led me to his other writings, teachings, and doctrines. Over time I grew to love his everything especially now that the new translations are coming out. Good job, keep up the great work!
