10 Fascinating Facts About Female Cats (#9 is Beautiful) ♀️

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Discover 10 facts you didn't know about female cats. This way, you'll learn in detail what the differences are between male and female cats! 😸

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I have a female cat but she is spayed. She is very loud when she is hungry. She gives me a great deal of joy!


Females aren't always as outgoing as males making them less likely to be adopted unfortunately. I adopted my girl at a Petsmart in 2020 right before everything shut down. She was 10 and had been there awhile because of this). She tends to be ambidextrous and extremely vocal. She purrs constantly and hates being picked up. She's extremely fearful of heights (probably because she was attacked by a hawk at some point before I adopted her) and won't climb a cat tree. She loves to be petted and at times won't get off my lap for anything. She's a great pet...err human commander. 😹I'm glad every day I adopted her!😻


I have been a cat lover for as long as i can remember, and I'm 73 years old now.
cats have always been my favorite pets and always will be.
Your UTUBE program has been very informative and just fortifies my affection for these loving companions.


I adopted two pure black female cats, both spayed, i love them both and was happy to help rescue female and black cats


I don’t know why they would take longer to be adopted. I only want female cats now because the males I’ve had in the past marked their territory all over my house. My females don’t do that. I have a young female cat now and she is very playful, but a bit skittish still. No one wanted to adopt her because she has an eye issue that must be treated. We took her in. She is still a bit skittish, but she’ll come around. We love her. 😊


I found a calico . She was barely alive. She'd been abused by someone. I took her in and with help of a friend we got het back to health.


I have a female cat named Sophie. She was a rescue cat. Her mom was a feral cat and the kittens were adopted out by the woman who took care of them. I got her when she was seven months old. She is almost 9 years old, now. She is truly my baby girl and I love her very much


Females are smarter and craftier because they have to hunt for the food in the wild..
For this reason, I believe a lot of them are more cautious. They are the survivors for the babies.
I have my first female cat. It took her a while to trust me unconditionally I rescued her from outside.
She was very maternal to me psychic and away I loved her dearly. She could read my mind and was the most well-behaved.
Kitty I’ve ever had she passed away of cancer during Covid broke my heart .. I know she visits me in spirit every day, even sleeps with me
What a wonderful gift ..


I've had a stray hang out around my place one summer. She kept coming around. One month I noticed her getti.g bigger, then late fall she was a lot smaller. I joked about her bringing her babies to me. One day, there was a blizzard. I looked out my window and saw her with one kitten in her mouth and four behind her. I rushed out to get them all. I had taken care of them before finding homes for mommy and kittens. Last summer a mommy had her kittens in my shed. We kept it open cause we were so busy. Everyone comes to me with helping g find homes for cats and kittens. I've become friends with cat fosters in my town. They've helped with getting mommy's spayed also. Awesome people!


Found a stray Kitten (She's under a year old) last week, hunting ducks. No joke. And, who is ready to give birth. Took her to the Vets to get checked out as we already have 6 other cats. Doc gave her a clean bill of health, and she is getting big. Should be within the next week or two. Doc counted at least 6 heartbeats.

Update: 4 boys and 1 girl. Born April 4, 2024


I have had many cats. My Jenni lived to be 20 years old!


I love my girls with all my heart! My daughter Nala was a wild cat born under our shed and I quickly fell in love with her! We couldn’t catch her in time before she got pregnant but I have two sweet granddaughters! If you ever have a choice to choose between male and female cats, don’t write off females. I love my three little angels!


Every time I hear a loud sound like crashing, almost always, my Calico right there.


My husband and I adopted a 5-month-old female through a shelter's kitten-fostering program, and that shelter included spaying or neutering as the final step before the adoptees were even released into the new owners' care. (I think it's a good policy, though I've always had my cats 'fixed' as soon as they were old enough anyway.) After a few months, we adopted a playmate for her. We were a little concerned about the new kitten not being another female, but she accepted him after just two days and they've been a bonded pair for almost 14 years. She's always been such a sweet-natured cat, though she is the dominant cat of the pair in a subtle, unintimidating way.


my female kitten is an absolute delight, she’s amazing and an absolute sweetheart, she’s a silver torte tabby Persian and i don’t deserve her . She’s better than me.


I have a calico girl named LuLu.our Vet Spayed her when she was 4 months old. Also she was a earhtquake survivor. so loving and full of love ..


I rescued a female kitten when she was about a month old, found outside with a lil brother (he got adopted before her right away). She is now 9 months, spayed, still very playful, love trees climbing, the outdoors, we go hiking together and she walks on the path without leash. She is very intelligent and not too much of a lap cat, (except in the winter), but she is very sweet, funny, and dear too. Her name is Bijou, and she added and continue to add so much joy and lightness to my life. ❤


I have had cats my entire life and find the male cats more affectionate and intuitive than my female cats. Either way, I love every one of them and appreciate their personalities.


Our girl cat is very caring, curious and loves company....when hubby was going through his chemo treatment she would not leave his side. She was/is such a comfort to him during hard times. We cannot love her more.
