Top 5 Careers For The Future (Get In NOW)

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in this video, we’ll be sharing 5 careers that will be in-demand and thrive in future.
These careers are very easy to get into, are suitable for many different personality types, and applies to you no matter where you're living in the world as long as you have an internet connection.
i. Future-proof
The career must be in-demand now and in the future because you don’t want to invest into a career that won’t around in a few years time.
ii. High-income
We might as well pick something that offers a high-income or at least the potential to earn a high income because we’re investing a lot of time and energy into it so we need to see a good return on our investment.
iii. Remote-capable
Most white-collar careers can be done remotely, and when you have a remote-capable career you’re less likely to be affected by uncontrollable events like a global lockdown.
Remote careers are also extremely valuable because the ability to control where you work and not have to commute is something people are starting to appreciate a lot more now.
iv. Growth-potential
These careers must have good career progression, it must give you the ability to develop your skills and get paid more over time, it can’t be a dead-end career where you don’t learn or earn more over time.
v. No degree required, can be learnt in 6-12 months to get an entry level job
This is especially important if you’re starting fresh in a career you have no experience in which will most likely be the case.
Instead of spending 3-4 years these careers will allow you to get an entry-level job asap so that you can earn and learn at the same time.
You also don’t waste a lot of time if you pursue one career and 6 months down the line feel like it’s not suitable for you, because you only wasted 6 months instead of like 3-4 years if you were to get a degree and because it's not a degree you can stop at any time.
Selling real-estate, insurance, memberships, entertainment - anything that can be bought, needs to be sold.
The need for salespeople will not go away anytime soon, because we need human connection to develop a relationship to make a sale, it’s will be very difficult for a robot to develop that relationship with humans, so good salespeople will always be in demand.
In sales your income can be unlimited because you make money based on what you sell, at the same time you can also make very little money if you don’t sell anything.
The ability to sell is such a valuable skill that if you want to have a high income, you will need to know how to sell.
A sales job is also remote-capable and very minimal/portable, all you need is your phone and you’re ready to go.
Computer programming, software development, engineering - building systems that tell computers what to do.
As we become more digital, more programmers are needed to tell our machines how to serve us.
Salary starts at 3-4k/mo and goes up from there - tech giants pay 200-300k/year
You can get a degree but you don't need it.
There are increasingly more animation movies instead of life action films every year, and more online content than ever.
Salary starts at Start at 2.5-3.5k/mo and you can eventually start your own media company.
Remote capable unless you're in photo shooting or video shooting.
One of the most in-demand right now, many companies are hiring and there are just not enough digital marketers.
Salary starts at around 3k, after 2-3 years 5k, after 5 years 9k provided you’re always learning about new platforms and tech.
Lots of areas you can get into - PPC, SEO, Analytics, etc.
If you learn fast, this might be for you as things change very fast in this industry. If you don't know what to do, you can try this because there are so many sub-categories for different personality types.
Hey! Thanks for reading the description. We can't fit everything in here, so make sure to watch the whole video to find out more :)
⌚ Timecodes:
00:00 - Top 5 Careers For The Future (Get In NOW)
0:47 - 5 criteria of a great career
2:57 - Career #1
4:58 - Career #2
6:02 - Career #3
7:47 - Career #4
9:48 - Career #5
11:10 - Final thoughts on the top 5 careers
(Use code TMF10 for 10% off for the first 500 people)
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