TSM Wildturtle 1vs1 + Escape | TSM vs WE | IEM Katowice IX
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TSM Wildturtle 1vs1 + Escape | TSM vs WE | IEM Katowice IX
TSM WildTurtle goes Wild vs YFW - IEM Katowice 2015 x Game 3 - League of Legends
TSM WildTurtle vs CLG #LCSBigPlays
Insane Bjergsen Escape - TSM vs LD
Doublelift - kill on Wildturtle -LCS NA SUMMER 2013 W8D2 CLG-TSM
Wildturtle nice play in Final IEM Katowice
TSM Wildturtle fail Corki Valkyrie - TSM vs LMQ - 2014 NA LCS Summer Split
Dyrus and OddOne 2vs4 ManMode - LD vs TSM - Battle of the Atlantic
TSM WildTurtle Varus Snipes! (Varus Quadra Kill)
TSM vs LD - Xpecial and WildTurtle 2v4
TSM Wildturtle Corki VS CLG Doublelift Jinx Highlights 2015 NA LCS Spring W8D1
TSM Wildturtle Jinx Pentakill ft TheOddOne - S4 Challenger Highlights
Amazing 2v5 with WildTurtle
Bjergsen 1v3 kill and escape
Wildturtle Outplay
Random: Wildturtle calculated Vayne #duel -
League of Legends Short Epics 76:Wildturtle Epic Doublekill
Wildturtle and Dyrus Twitch + Shen | VES vs TSM
[LOL Outplay] Wildturtle Jinx Pentakill
TSM Bjergsen vs YFW Maple 1v1 First Blood - IEM Katowice 2015 - League of Legends
[Highlights] TSM vs WE | Final IEM Katowice 2015 - Game 02 | 1080p
TheOddOne epic Suicide Baron Steal | TSM vs OMG | Worlds 2013 Day 1
Soaz crazy 1v1 vs tabzz - LCS EU 2014
LoL Classics #9 - TSM vs. VES - epic Ace in the Hole