Republicans Want To Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicare

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Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today joined Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in a news conference to say that the House Republicans' plan known as "Cut, Cap and Balance" should be called the "Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicare" Act. The U.S. House passed the measure last night on a largely party line vote. The legislation cuts Medicare and Social Security beyond the budget proposed by Congressman Paul Ryan, all while protecting tax breaks for millionaires, billionaires and special interests.
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Senator Harkin, Social Security is the single largest expense the US government has. It's even larger that the entire Defense Department's spending tab. If you combine Social Security with just Medicare and Medicaid spending that accounts for 43% of the budget. Yes you need to reduce defense spending. Yes you need more tax revenue. But if you're serious about reducing the national debt, it's inevitable that you cut from these 3 programs too. It's just a fact of life. Stop pretending it's not.
