Star Wars Nuke Ukuele

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Very cool little ukulele! LMK what you think!

Printer filament: 3D Fuel Pro PLA (PLA+)
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I built one around 3 years ago and I had all the same experiences you did. I even shot a whole video but I had to scrap it. The tuning pegs wouldn't stick, they would constantly slip and unwind completely, and they warped over a couple days, even at 100% infill, so I dropped in some nice grover tuners exactly the same way. I regret to inform you that over a year of having it strung, the neck warp only got worse, to the point where it became unplayable, and I had to bash it off with a hammer and chisel, and print a new neck with carbon fibre rods inside it. I also had some really bad buzzing on the A string, which makes me think the slot is just too wide in the model. I filled it with CA glue and filed it back to the right depth, but then my intonation was off. I later went back and designed a new fretboard and bridge with correctly sized slots for the strings, and that seems to do a far better job. The last thing I did was make a cover for the bridge, because my arm would constantly mute the strings, and that helped with the "holding" problem you described.

It did a really good job of showing me that luthiery isn't unapproachable, and I'm very grateful for that since it got me into it, but now that I have a little experience under my belt... I'm almost tempted to pull the tuners out and design something from scratch.


You dont still happen to have the file by chance? I cant get the download website to work to buy it and my heart is dead set on this now.
