Hoda Kotb Says Goodbye to NBC After 30 Years – What’s Next for Her? hoda kotb news

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Hoda Kotb Says Goodbye to NBC After 30 Years – What’s Next for Her? hoda kotb news


Hoda Kotb declared that she will be leaving the NBC family in 2025, but she will still be a part of the TODAY Show.

In addition to sending a letter to TODAY crew announcing her decision to step down, Kotb made the heartfelt announcement on Thursday morning.

My heart is all over the place as I type this. Even though I know I'm making the correct choice, it hurts. And the reason for that is all of you. I'm really feeling it right now. It's said that two things can be true at the same time. She wrote in the letter, "It's time for me to leave the show because I love you."

She stated on the broadcast Thursday morning that she made her choice in August, following her 60th birthday.

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