Pulse Sensor with ESP8266 | NodeMCU | Heart Rate | IoT Project 💡 #cosmelectronics #iotprojects #diy

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Pulse Sensor with Arduino IoT Cloud using ESP8266 / NodeMCU


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🔹 Camera: iPhone 14
🔹 Editing: VN Editor
🔹 Song: Avi Snow, Sync - Alright [NCS Release]


COSM Electronics, Pulse Sensor, Heart Rate Monitor, ESP8266, NodeMCU, BPM Sensor, Heart Rate Detection, Arduino, Arduino Project, Pulse Sensor ESP8266, Health Monitoring, IoT Project, IoT, Smart Healthcare, Heart Rate Sensor, Wearable Tech, IoT Health, DIY Health Project, Pulse Sensor Arduino, Fitness Tracker, Pulse Detection, Heartbeat Sensor, Medical IoT, Wireless Health Monitoring, Remote Health Monitoring, Biomedical Sensor, Heart Rate IoT, ESP8266 IoT Project, Sensor Interface, Pulse Sensor NodeMCU, ESP8266 Projects, Heartbeat Monitor


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