Fiddly But Fun (WELL Airsoft G-11 MAC-11 GBB Machine Pistol Review)

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I finally got my #airsoft MAC-11 GBB machine pistol working after going to the ends of the earth to find a spare recoil piston, this meant I could finally do an #airsoftreview for it as I don't want to review a completely non-functional gun if I can't fix it. This WELL G-11 is an airsoft replica of the Ingram/Cobray machine pistol known as the MAC-11. A compact open bolt machine pistol with a vicious firerate!

This WELL airsoft MAC-11 GBB machine pistol is unfortunately as far as I can tell no longer made, it is a clone of the KWA/KWC NS1 system which was rendered obsolete by the equally as discontinued NS2 system. Don't get me wrong, there are still airsoft MAC-11s dotted around the second-hand market but it seems that you won't be able to buy them brand new. Hopefully that will change at some point.

This MAC-11 is a very compact airsoft machine pistol which is perfectly suited for close range combat. The firerate is a blistering 1300+ rounds a minute which for a gas gun is incredible. Whilst an AEG can fire at that rate with relatively little tinkering, you don't get the blowback action that a gas gun will offer you. Unfortunately this gun has a very limited range due to a tiny barrel and a hop unit which seems to have a mind of its own (might see if I can TDC it at some point).
The accuracy is also not particularly impressive again down to the small barrel. This isn't too critical as this is not a gun that should be used to go toe to toe with ARs and SMGs, you take this into a long range engagement as your main weapon and the foes will run rings around you.

In CQB, this gun shines. The compact design from the telescoping bolt makes this gun very easy to move around with, reminiscent of the Uzi which inspired this type of firearm. The stock on this gun isn't the most ergonomic but it can definitely help stabilise the machine pistol when the shots get more difficult. Annoyingly though, this gun is very finicky. I found this gun doesn't tolerate anything other than a dry August day and being mostly plastic means that black gas is a recipe for a bolt to the face.

But never mind the little foibles of this airsoft gun, it's great fun to use and it's certainly more interesting than an AEG!

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Рекомендации по теме

It’s not a sling mount 💀 it’s for a strap to use as a front grip to keep it from flying up irl.


Believe it or not I was able to find and buy one of these brand new, or at least in like new condition at a local airsoft shop. I love it


Would it still function of you put a CO2 mag in it


So, one of these brand new for 120$ is nice?


Doesn anyone know pls, just got this replica and when I switch to full auto it fires 4-5bbs and just jam/lock and in order to fire again I need to pull the bolt again/chamber it and again it does the same. Even on single fire if I click normaly it jams or fire 2-3bbs and jam.
Any solution how to fix this? Its new and was rly dirty/dusty plus its dry inside not oiled at all.
Thanks in advance.


Are you coming to the night game today ?


Never seen a hopup like that with a key!


Boa tarde irmão, qual é medida da ponta da arma para colocar supressor?
