Link Is DEAD In Legend Of Zelda! 💀 #shorts

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Friends, today we're throwing it WAY back to The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask. After a revisit, I'm not sure I remembered just how DARK this game was. So dark, in fact, that I believe that Link actually DIES in it. That's right Loyal Theorists, Link is DEAD!

Writers: Matthew Patrick and Ash
Editors: Shnaia "Naya" Llamera
Sound Designer: Yosi Berman
#Link #LegendOfZelda #MajorasMask #Zelda #ZeldaMajorasMask #ZeldaTheory #ZeldaLore #OcarinaOfTime #ZeldaOcarinaOfTime #Theory #GameTheory #Matpat
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The only flaw in this theory is that the Hero's shade has a seemingly adult form. So Link wouldn't have died while he was young. You could argue that link has grown up and then is sent to purgatory as young link, but then you'd have to ask why? Termina is most likely just another place in the world considering skull kid has a history with that region.


Next video MatPat is gonna gaslight everyone into believing we are dead


bro just summoned zeltic to make a 50 minute video on why this is flawed💀💀


Wait until Mat Pat learns every single link is technically a different character according to Nintendo. But also, Hero's Shade specifically has info saying he "lamented being sent back to his childhood and unable to pass on his teachings since no one remembered him". But he's an adult, which means he didn't die in Termina.


I always interpreted the 5 stages of grief in Majora's Mask to be about Link learning to accept that his friend Navi is gone and learning to move on with his life rather than him being dead.


He just condensed his entire video that got me into game theory in a few seconds.


Matpat: Link is dead
Everyone: How many times do we have to teach this lesson to you old man?


Clearly, MatPat needs to revisit the timeline. In detail. It'll be a nice break from FNAF. 😂


It's actually Navi that does, and this is Link overcoming his grief


Problem with this is that Twilight Link is directly related to Ocarina Link meaning he'd have to have lived to adulthood and had a child. Yeah Ocarina Link is dead in Twilight, but that's much further along that him dieing in Majora's. He likely signed on as a royal knight but still regretted no one knowing the deeds he has done.


One MAJOR problem: The Link from Twilight Princess is confirmed to be the Hero of Time's descendent.


After defeating the mask, the last talk with the mask merchant, he says that link should go back home,

he also says that whatever there is a meeting, there is a parting, but the parting dont need to last forever, if the parting will last long or short, that is up to you.

This implies that link can leave and return to termina when he wants


One problem with that. Link had a family. He was a CHILD when he went to Termina.
Just because Termina comes from the word, "terminal, " it doesn't mean "predicted to lead to death." It could ALSO mean, "the end of a transport route" or "a point of connection for closing an electric circuit."


The problem is that this game isnt about Link's death, but Navi's. That is why we don't see Majora's Mask Link with Navi and why he was in the Forrest at the beginning of the game. The stages of grief are also experienced by your loved ones if you die too afterall.


Bro started a war with the actual Zelda community


Claim a veterans badge if you remember this being a full video back in the day. Bonus points remembering it was a collab


Small problem... Eiji Aonuma has specifically and clearly stated that this isn't true and just a coincidence.


Yeah except the shade is an adult. The shade is also the ancestor of TP's link. The shade is also a seasoned warrior with many techniques. MM does have a lot of themes of death but also a lot of themes of growing up and losing innocence.

It's more likely that the stages of grief are related to the loss of Navi, which is why he's in Termina in the first place. Link returns from Termina, having accepted the losing his friend.

Because Ganondorf was taken down before the events of the adult timeline take place, a war erupted with the Gerudo. Link became a knight who eventually died in the war, possibly, like his mother, in the lost woods, becoming a Stalfos.

Also to add that because TP's Link is a farm hand, OoT/MM Link possibly married Malon.


MatPat casually bringing back his old theory of “Link is Dead” from the Majora Mask game. Now using supporting evidence from Twilight Princess to be like “When did he die?” News flash: Link dies a lot. That’s why he keeps getting reincarnated


Problem1: Why is the hero’s shade adult sized when Link in Majora’s mask still a child?
Problem2: TP Link is a descendant of OoT/MM Link. How is MM Link supposed to have fathered a child when he hasn’t gone through puberty yet?
Problem3: The hero’s shade teaches TP Link advanced sword techniques. MM Link doesn’t know any advanced sword techniques besides the “Spin Attack.” How does a dead Link learn advanced sword techniques AFTER death?
