How I CLEARED 9 years of ACNE (pt.1) #shorts

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Ahhh that’s why my spots won’t go away... 🤣🤣😌


Hello! I would like to give you a few tips for acne to go away:
1. Drink a lot of water (water is actually the most important thing. When you drink atleast 2 glasses of water after few hours you have to go to washroom where all the dust/unhealthy things in your body gets away)
2. Exercise (I'll recommend you to exercise for minimum 15-20 minutes. You can do any normal exercise you know. When you get sweat the dust Present ON your skin slides away.)
3. Don't stress (Stressing more can cause your brain to know that you're mentally not so good and it can cause more acne or problems.)

Please remember:

~Have a nice day, beautiful/handsome stranger...♡


You know, acne helped me a lot and I'm very thankful of them. It helped me found my real friends who doesn't judge book by its cover and helped me get rid of some toxic friends I thought was real before I got my acnes who were actually just sticking with me to take advantage of me. It also drove the boys who always annoys me wherever I go that I can't have my private space even inside our classroom!! It was super annoying that when I go back to school with acnes after our long vacation, they finally kept theirselves away from me! Yahoo! Freedom! Now I'm happily spending my time, with my acnes occasionally appearing and disappearing from time to time because I sometimes forget to drink mineral water and leave them oily when going to sleep😅

But I think, I need to seriously start taking care of my skin properly this time because were not going back to school anytime soon~
Wish me luck~😋


Same for me. I noticed that when I eat something sweet that has a lot of suger then by the next 2days pimples will start to show up. I had to minimize my sugar intake but love to eat desserts so I learned how to bake so I can control how much sugar I add, less sugar the better.


for me it was accutane. sometimes you need one of the harshest and strongest medications in the world to clear up your skin.


My bestfriend also have so much acne like I wish my girl would have clear skin soon❤🦋


I remember from when I had Anorexia, I would restrict foods all day then binge at the end of the day then go throw up on purpose. Until I discovered your channel things got better and I no longer restrict completely, binge or purge. Thank you for helping me through recovery.


Wanna know how I clear my acne? I have acnes since junior high all the way through college, and it was getting worse in my collage years. And then, I graduated and BAM! My face never been more radiant and clean. Turns out most of them was caused by stress from school stuff and perhaps air polution. Now I work at home since I graduate collage and thought "oh, this why everything I tried never worked". I consume sweets, dairy, junk food all I want and don't really take care of my skin as much as I did in college, and my skin is fine as hell


Honestly my skin cleared so much after cutting dairy, some sugar, and less red meat


I was searching for your channel for a while, and it suddenly appeared today, and this luck I have downloaded a new video today. I love you so much. Go on, I'm from Egypt


I always noticed that when I went days without washing my face my skin would clear up. I would use spot treatments, masks, and all kinds and stuff and would usually stop washing my face so my skin could catch a break and allow the products to “work.” Yeah no I just need to do the bare minimum. Wash my face only once a day and it’s been working like magic ever since


I feel you how I had acne for 9 years straight like clear skin was my dream in those 9 teenage school years to have clear skin but after leaving school, acne left me. So for me, school is the reason of my acne.


I love acne😋
they just make people look cute❤️😍


Although acne was my greatest enemy, i wouldnt be where i am if i never had it. I wouldnt know how to build myself back up and learn more about skincare and get into the skincare field if i never had it


Hello Zoe!!!! Can you pls do Q and A😭 I would love to know more about you!!!!😭💝💝
Anyone who agree with me??


It takes a lot or courage and patience to go and transform into this . This is literally motivating me🌸


I love how this video was very positive and not forcing anyone to do things. Love these kind of videos 💜


im actually so happy you showed pictures of when you DID have acne. my friends constantly shame me for having it (even when they say something thats not MEANT to be mean, even on accident), but i dont think we should act like this. acne is SO common. and im just hurt because i cured mine and it came back because of other medication that i can not give up, so seeing others online that also have it or managed to get rid of a tough case is motivating. i wish more influencers stopped "hiding" their past looks or flaws. it makes online personalities seem more organic.


Thank u soo much for making this video coz this really motivated N i just can't understand that y people don't accept this fact that this is all normal, people with acne pls don't be upset coz of these people who always demotivate others. Everything is gonna alright. Just love urself ✨✨


I just use PONDS hydrating moisturizing cream. That's it.
