Freud was wrong about nearly everything...

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Psychology would look very different today, if it wasn't for Freud. So let's talk about him...

In this episode, we chat about:

0:38 Freud's Life
1:06 Psychoanalysis Explained (Id, Ego, Superego)
2:48 Freud's 5 Stages of Development & The Oedipus Complex
3:19 Psychoanalysis Today


☁️ About Psych! The Series

If you've ever had a thought, memory, or reaction to the world around you, you've experienced psychology! Understanding this interdisciplinary field can help us understand the world around us. How do we sense the world around us? Where are memories stored? What makes you, you? Ive answers all these questions and more!

Stay tuned each week for a new episode!


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Kim, Joe. 2018. Discover Psychology Volume 1. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.


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The fact that something can not be measured does not mean that it doesn’t exist


"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen... but, I'm afraid, it is not going to be a success." Freud


Freud was wrong about most of the normative content in his theory, yes. But the general structure of his method is useful in understanding human behavior and in helping identify psychological issues before they become psychiatric ones. Granted, his work was not the best or most informed, but that tends to be the case when you're sort of the lone-ranger pioneering an idea. Since then, many other theorists have built upon his theories, which as you've mentioned, is how science works. I think that what needs to not go without saying is that just because someone was utterly wrong about something doesn't mean that what they produced was not useful. In order for a theory to be a good theory, it needs to be falsifiable. That means someone needs to be able to say it is wrong. That also being said.... most scientific "discoveries" are wrong. A whole lot of people have to be wrong before someone gets it right.


Freud definitely had some strange and, at times, damaging ideas and many have been disproven as you mention, however, we get many key concepts from Freud’s work, too. The most important of which is the understanding that we are not in total conscious control of ourselves; our unconscious minds influence us greatly. Other key concepts would be transference and counter-transference; defense mechanisms (such as denial, intellectualization, suppression, repression, etc.); the healing nature of talk therapy and catharsis; as well as the role of insight and self-awareness to initiate and guide our growth.


I remember doing a subject at uni that involved reading a lot of Freud and Freudians. It was so weird.


Whenever someone claims that Freud was wrong, they simply state what he said and then proceed to scoff at it as if that were to settle it. Or they claim there is simply no evidence for his theory, misunderstanding that his theory is a metanarrative, an explanation for why people do what they do. The evidence is everything they think and say and do. Freudian theory helps them understand themselves and come out of these patterns if possible or learn to get used to them in the case where they are fixed for life - arrested development for example.


Richard P Bentall wrote "Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature." It starts with a detailed history of the development of psychiatry. It's amazing how many people contributed to this process and how Freud was just one of them. Freud is very popular among the public because his theories are so controversial but in fact a lot of the really useful work was done by others. Today, psychologists take a very different pathway when helping people.


What the fuck is happening between 06:02 and 06:10?


Everything about this video is wrong or short sighted, and honestly freud was ahead of his time with sexuality was definitely not homophobic idk where that even comes from. The crazy thing is most intro psych profs teaches this, but reading him directly everything people say is "disproven" is not.


I guess you are american. Do you guys from America ever heard about Lacan? From what i understand, psychology is taught differently in US. Much of Freud's work was scrutinized by Lacan in the 60s, under anthropology's perspective. Humans are not only biological beings. They are also cultural, social beings and Freud work must be understood not as literal, but as symbolic. Psychoanalysis is still a good method for treating some mental illness, but not all. Of course, since is not scientific, it must be read with reason and some critical eye. Tks for the vid.


His structural model of personality is nothing short of genius, imo. I was under the impression that the model has, generally, stood the test of time.


My first problem with the oedipus complex was it seems to place the male in the position of power i.e patriarchy.
He also postulated that all religion resulted from derivations of the oedipus complex. My question is does the complex arise in matriarchal societies where the Queen mother would be noticed as the threat?


I agree with the seduction theory, but id is actually what we called the seeking pleasure or dopamine located at limbic system and brain stem according to neuroscience to prove the unfalsifiable claim of freud
I dont really think if you actually read the theories of personality and how other theories relate their concept to freuds id ego and super ego including erikson carl rogers etc but thats just your opinion and you deserve a respect


Your position to me seems too far away from the science, non-other psychological theories are proved fully, but we have certain methods, techniques, and therapies from each, which run individually and have proper postulates, so to say that Psychoanalysis is wrong it`s a very perfunctory conjecture.


It would be good to know who are you before starting talking about topic (kinda introduction part) to believe your arguments easier. Also, the sources part in the description is very clever. Thank you :)


If there's no Freud there is no modern day psychology. The Oedipus complex has been taken out of context. Western Psychology utilizes a wide range of Greek mythology "Archetypal" folklore but by no means should be taken in literal form. Freud was addressing underlying complexities associated with incesteous desire amongst all family members; not specifically mom and her son. Infact Oedipus blinds him self after discovering he had sex with his mother. That was not his intention. The term is ubiquitous amongst all cultural/ethnic groups. Your correct about the lack of empirical evidence regarding psychoanalytic theory, however modern neurological study validates Freud's "Trivariate brain structure... ID, Ego, Superego. Frontal cortex, Limbic, and Reptilian brain parallel similar argument. Work on Dream Interpretation hasn't changed much from Freud's initial thoughts. Freud's theory of on child development remains a blueprint today. Work regarding Transferrances and Countertransference is a huge accomplishment surrounding the therapist-client relationship. I can go on and on. I commend you're effort for critically but the idea Freud had it "wrong", I politely disagree. There isn't a single psychological theory of absent of Freudian concepts. Critique is easy but can you share an alternative ?


A tik tok girl on Freud. What a right pathway!


Freud’s hypothesis cannot be proven nor denounced. Much like consciousness. Something science doesn’t even fully understand.


Well, if there is no evidence, it doesn't mean he was wrong or id, ego and superego do not exist..


If you want to feel brain dead and cry because you don’t understand then read Lacan and approach this theories from a modern point of view.
