DEVASTATING Number Of Americans Can't Afford Healthcare

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"A new study released Wednesday morning shows that nearly 50 million Americans would be unable to afford quality healthcare should the need for treatment suddenly arise, a finding seen as further evidence of the immorality of a for-profit insurance system that grants or denies coverage based on a person's ability to pay."

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Cast: Wosny Lambre, Alyssa Bernardino, Ana Kasparian


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America needs medicare for all NOW. As a Norwegian with an American husband the nr. 1 reason we live here and not in the US is the healhcare system


You need a full time job to afford Healthcare, a part time to afford food and another part time to afford a bed room studio.


I remember when I was young and I asked one of my Uncles why would he move to Canada over the United States. His answer: Healthcare. It's a privilege in the United States. In Canada, it's free.


That’s me, got insurance I pay for and can’t afford to use it


I recently became a senior and I'll tell you the difference in costs between Blue Cross Blue Shield Gold Plan and medicare advantage plans is staggering both in premiums and post visit billings. You get absolutely the same care. All ages should get this and our country would be a better place.


My dad died from cancer because he hesitated to pay to have it checked when there was still time to save him.


I work in healthcare and had stage IV cancer for half a decade. It has cost me over $50k plus insurance so far. Plus I had to work the whole time because best country in the world.


I’m one of them. Never thought I’d be. Did all the right things, made great grades, went to college, got my BSN, worked until I got hurt. Savings soon depleted. I’ve always been one to fight for the person on welfare assistance. I’ve not begrudged their brand name shirt while getting help. Yet this happened to me anyway. I knew how it was and I did all the right things and here I am struggling. It could be any one of us at any given time.


First and I'm unfortunately one of those people who can't afford health care


As a European who has had Universal healthcare since 1947 this is crazy.


In my country Scotland we pay 6% on every wage to get our free at the point of use Universal healthcare. Prescriptions are free an Ambulance to take you to hospital again free. We get 28 days paid holiday every year. Woman get 9 months maternity leave there jobs have to held open for them there is 2 weeks paternity leave all by law again your job is held open. For all Americans hard work all they seem to get is screwed. Take Care Stay Safe.


i am one of these people. And I'm on medicare due to my disabilities (yes multiple plus I DID WORK FOR 25+ YEARS). But cannot afford medications and the remaining 20%. So I have to decide whether to eat or other things. I don't qualify for added medicaid because I "make" too much a month. In most states one can't make more than $16, 500 a year and I haven't gotten that amount the last 3.5 yrs due to the fact that under the Trump administation they have been garnishing my ssdi. they go by what you are supposed to get not by what you get. it sucks. i have had in the last 10 yrs 3 surgeries that have cost in excess of 250, 000 (a piece). I have lived in a country with national health and it worked great in my opinion. this is what we need.


When will America join the developed world and provide health care? So gross


I don't understand why a wealthy self proclaimed greatest country doesn't have accessable healthcare for all.

The UK National Health Service Act 1946 came into effect on 5 July 1948.
The private health care has continued parallel to the NHS, paid for largely by private insurance: it is used by about 8% of the population, generally as an add-on to NHS services. So you can still have both, one doesn't eradicate the other, and no one in the UK worries about having to pay for medical expenses or becoming bankrupt in the process.


We need Medicare-For-All/A single payer healthcare system here in the United States, especially during this time with the Coronavirus pandemic! What is more "Pro-Life" than ensuring that every person in America has guaranteed affordable healthcare regardless of their job or social status? Also, if we all had access to basic healthcare, we would all have the "freedom" to live long lives and rarely have to worry about medical bankruptcies. Sure, taxes will go up, but the overall cost will go down so much that everyone will be paying less and saving thousands of dollars every year. Furthermore, if some of us need additional healthcare than Medicare, then we have the "choice" to get additional insurance, but for others Medicare would be more than enough. Finally, if every other developed country (Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand) can implement this system and save money, then why can't the United States do the same and help "Make America Great Again" for everybody at least on the issue of healthcare? Oh, and if American citizens die from lacking access to affordable health insurance because the Republicans believe that the government shouldn't provide it then we are failing our country's promise of defending "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for its citizens as well as "promoting the general welfare" of all the people.


The homeless guy in the street to our royal family has access to our universal healthcare. We see healthcare as a right not a privilege.


Well it's not that surprising. USA has the most expensive healthcare in the world.


This is madness - why do americans pay tax if the state wont look after them when they get sick
What public service is more important than


I had to go to the emergency room this year and with a $3k deductible, I basically hit it and my private insurance paid nothing. I’m glad I pay $400 a month to pay for everything.


It is shameful that this country doesn’t take care of its people!!!
