Part2 Matzke & Varan: Quantum Mind, Source Love, Auras, Orbs, Near-Death/Spiritual/Dream Realities
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Join Valerie Varan for this Part 2 of 2 interview with quantum engineer Dr. Doug Matzke as they discuss the quantum, entangled, nonlocal and superposition aspects of the quantum mind. The first 7 mins. pick up at the end of Part 1, where "Quantum Doug" talks about the observer effect and how our decisions "collapse the wavelength" of the information clouds of probability of our possible futures.
7:33 In this Part 2, Doug discusses how our daily reality can be viewed as a quilt, with quantum dimensions the threads. 13:28 The "ubiquitous nature of quantum entanglement". 14:50 Protobit information dimensions ("hyperdimensions") as the raw material for quantum dimensions. 17:00 Outside of spacetime are hyperdimensional 1D protobits, 2D quantum bits (qubits), 3D qutrits, 4D entangled bits (ebits). Special significance of the qutrit, the trinity, the virtual photon which has the structure but no energy of the spacetime photon. He sees light beings, orbs as comprised of these virtual photons or qutrits. 19:04 And "if you have light, you have space", preparing us for understanding how these proto- or hyperdimensions structure spacetime energy, mass, space, time and all the Standard Model particles. 20:21 The virtual photon interacts with our mind in a way we perceive it as auric light, seeing it as real in our mind's eye. Hyperdimensional space with no time yet; how time may emerge. 23:00 Hyperdimensional "change" as a precursor to time; rotations that are reversible, different observation of the same state. Time//when we "collapse"//measurement operators are irreversible. 24:36 Link to Theory of Relativity begins. 26:49 Standard Model particles. 24:19 From our view, the time from a photon emitted to time absorbed may be 13 million years, but from the perspective of the photon, it's a single point in space & a single point in time. 30:18 Light as the exchange for the "operating system" of the Universe, which has this bit physics infrastructure built in; so everything can run in parallel. It's a distributed operating system. 30:42 Doug answers questions about the quantum vacuum, Zero Point Energy (ZPE), quantum foam, black hole radiation, and recent theories of black holes birthing entire universes. 34:45 He addresses how spiritual experiencers, NDErs, describe Source as the most Love, the brightest thing ever seen wo hurting eyes; Source is the source of all the virtual light/photons, and how that much "complexity" of massive numbers of dimensions FEELS loving...bc it's all entangled. Hate comes from polarity. 36:00 The effects of thought. How hyperdimensional qubits, ebits, and thought are related. Thoughts as bit vectors. Each bit dimension relates to an aspect of "meaning" so "meaning molecules" can be structured. 42:00 Our own dictionary for our thoughts. Relation to dreams, remote viewing, Law of Attraction, telepathy, spiritual "downloads", intention. 43:00 Magnetism, torsion, holograms. 49:19 How near-death experiencers can experience everything all at once from all perspectives while out of body. Complex superposition of states not individualized; they're all at once. It's a sum of all those experiences at 1 time. It's a kind of "concurrency" and they're holistic. Why we don't need hologram as model. 50:33 Why matter can't represent that many states. 50:47 If you try to put a lot of complex states (not higher frequency) into spacetime, it doesn't fit. 51:10 Nonlocality. 51:28 NDEs, life reviews. 53:00 As soon as step out of brain/body, then out of spacetime. Now you're doing your quantum mind maximum concurrence intelligence, and have awareness of all states all at once! 54:00 Space-like vs spacetime. Law of Attraction, tapping into your infinite intelligence. LOVE//oneness. Brain as transceiver, REG, PK device. Mind as orb. Auras. 59:22 Chakras//coupling, entanglement, superposition, LOVE, increasing "order". 1:01:45 Energy outside of spacetime? Energy models vs information models. All powerful vs all knowing. 1:03:32 In the beginning...Word, light, vibration. 1:04:53 Orbs as hyperdimensional snowflakes. 1:05:38 "Wish Device" and conditioning space to a higher dimension, complexity. An oscillator using quantum nonlocal resonance. 1:12:42 Biophotons vs auric virtual photons wo energy. 1:14:07 Ordering aspect of consciousness vs chaos/entropy of spacetime. Aura vs orb. 1:18:50 What is "energy work"? 1:20:29 Spontaneous healing? Borrowing the order from the spiritual domain. EM resonance vs quantum resonance...more like an address in higher dimensional space to create meaning molecules to help structure the space, to raise the complexity of the space so it's less like matter and more like light. 1:23:29 EM resonance a spacetime idea. 1:24:00 Info or meaning, more primitive? 1:25:16 Why during NDE can see colors that don't exist, other sensory. 1:27:57 Morphic Resonance, DNA as antenna. 1:28:41 Dream states real? Spiritual realities real? 1:32:42 Last thoughts for viewers & researchers.
7:33 In this Part 2, Doug discusses how our daily reality can be viewed as a quilt, with quantum dimensions the threads. 13:28 The "ubiquitous nature of quantum entanglement". 14:50 Protobit information dimensions ("hyperdimensions") as the raw material for quantum dimensions. 17:00 Outside of spacetime are hyperdimensional 1D protobits, 2D quantum bits (qubits), 3D qutrits, 4D entangled bits (ebits). Special significance of the qutrit, the trinity, the virtual photon which has the structure but no energy of the spacetime photon. He sees light beings, orbs as comprised of these virtual photons or qutrits. 19:04 And "if you have light, you have space", preparing us for understanding how these proto- or hyperdimensions structure spacetime energy, mass, space, time and all the Standard Model particles. 20:21 The virtual photon interacts with our mind in a way we perceive it as auric light, seeing it as real in our mind's eye. Hyperdimensional space with no time yet; how time may emerge. 23:00 Hyperdimensional "change" as a precursor to time; rotations that are reversible, different observation of the same state. Time//when we "collapse"//measurement operators are irreversible. 24:36 Link to Theory of Relativity begins. 26:49 Standard Model particles. 24:19 From our view, the time from a photon emitted to time absorbed may be 13 million years, but from the perspective of the photon, it's a single point in space & a single point in time. 30:18 Light as the exchange for the "operating system" of the Universe, which has this bit physics infrastructure built in; so everything can run in parallel. It's a distributed operating system. 30:42 Doug answers questions about the quantum vacuum, Zero Point Energy (ZPE), quantum foam, black hole radiation, and recent theories of black holes birthing entire universes. 34:45 He addresses how spiritual experiencers, NDErs, describe Source as the most Love, the brightest thing ever seen wo hurting eyes; Source is the source of all the virtual light/photons, and how that much "complexity" of massive numbers of dimensions FEELS loving...bc it's all entangled. Hate comes from polarity. 36:00 The effects of thought. How hyperdimensional qubits, ebits, and thought are related. Thoughts as bit vectors. Each bit dimension relates to an aspect of "meaning" so "meaning molecules" can be structured. 42:00 Our own dictionary for our thoughts. Relation to dreams, remote viewing, Law of Attraction, telepathy, spiritual "downloads", intention. 43:00 Magnetism, torsion, holograms. 49:19 How near-death experiencers can experience everything all at once from all perspectives while out of body. Complex superposition of states not individualized; they're all at once. It's a sum of all those experiences at 1 time. It's a kind of "concurrency" and they're holistic. Why we don't need hologram as model. 50:33 Why matter can't represent that many states. 50:47 If you try to put a lot of complex states (not higher frequency) into spacetime, it doesn't fit. 51:10 Nonlocality. 51:28 NDEs, life reviews. 53:00 As soon as step out of brain/body, then out of spacetime. Now you're doing your quantum mind maximum concurrence intelligence, and have awareness of all states all at once! 54:00 Space-like vs spacetime. Law of Attraction, tapping into your infinite intelligence. LOVE//oneness. Brain as transceiver, REG, PK device. Mind as orb. Auras. 59:22 Chakras//coupling, entanglement, superposition, LOVE, increasing "order". 1:01:45 Energy outside of spacetime? Energy models vs information models. All powerful vs all knowing. 1:03:32 In the beginning...Word, light, vibration. 1:04:53 Orbs as hyperdimensional snowflakes. 1:05:38 "Wish Device" and conditioning space to a higher dimension, complexity. An oscillator using quantum nonlocal resonance. 1:12:42 Biophotons vs auric virtual photons wo energy. 1:14:07 Ordering aspect of consciousness vs chaos/entropy of spacetime. Aura vs orb. 1:18:50 What is "energy work"? 1:20:29 Spontaneous healing? Borrowing the order from the spiritual domain. EM resonance vs quantum resonance...more like an address in higher dimensional space to create meaning molecules to help structure the space, to raise the complexity of the space so it's less like matter and more like light. 1:23:29 EM resonance a spacetime idea. 1:24:00 Info or meaning, more primitive? 1:25:16 Why during NDE can see colors that don't exist, other sensory. 1:27:57 Morphic Resonance, DNA as antenna. 1:28:41 Dream states real? Spiritual realities real? 1:32:42 Last thoughts for viewers & researchers.