I lost my Marlinspike, so I made a new one.

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I made this marlin spike out of 1/2 aluminum bar stock. My Harbor Freight mini lathe is getting old, but it still works. I finished it out with a Turks Head Knot. Thanks for watching.
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I have no idea what a marlin spike is or what it's used for, but I thoroughly enjoyed this whole video!


To tighten the Turk’s head, simply dip the cord in boiling water for one minute AFTER weaving it. Paracord shrinks considerably when boiled. ( Pro tip: use something beside your fingers; aluminum conducts heat really well.)


Love your videos! Here's a thought though... I was taught never to let go of a chuck key when it's in the chuck. Always tighten or untighten the chuck, then remove the key without ever letting go of it and put it on the bench. That way there's no chance of one of those forgetful moments when you spin up the lathe and launch the chuck key across the room (or into your face!).


Absolutely typical!! 😂😂 The rule of thumb in our house is that if you can’t find something no matter how hard you look, just start looking for something else and the first thing WILL turn up! Beautiful work!! 👍👍


You remind me of one of my Boatswain's Mate in the Navy, that used to teach me fancy rope work and knots, when you explain things.
I love it.
Easy to understand.
Thank you.
Keep up the great work !!!


"It's always in the last place you look!" '... Well of course it is... Why in the hell would I keep looking for something after I found it??' 😂

Great video as always. I'd love a lathe, just can't seem to find a decently priced hobbyist's one.


A marlin spike is for helping tying and untying ropes. the spike is used to get into tight knots which are usually attached to a ship so there’s most likely force on the knots when you’re trying to untie it. Also it can be used for decorative rope tying.


I love Turkshead knots. That's a cool way of making them with needle.
I'd love to have a marlin spike like one of those.


Your 1\2 inch customs a Beaut! Keep up these awesome vids, I especially like the knots and specially the way you show their applications as that's sorely lacking in other Uribe instructionals. Thanks much!


It's like crocheting... but ✨ _MANLY_ ✨


I always been struggling with forming a turks head but your method is genius, never saw that methode. Thanks!


I came here to see how you turned & tapered your marlin spike but ended up benefitting most from your straight forward, clear direction on the Turk's Head. I've make countless Turk's Heads over the years but after many years of not messing around with rope & cordage I forgot a couple of the steps to end up with consistent results. Thanks very much for this excellent little video.

*Edit: PS, you got a new sub. I'll definitely check out your other videos. There are also some good tips & advice in your comment section. That shows a good, decent & attentive audience which reflects on your excellent content. Cheers from Vancouver Island.


Those marlin spikes are nice looking! They look like how a good prison shank would look if Cross Pens made shanks - something a ne'er do well 'hood would get when he "graduates" to the Big Time.


Now I see the uses of a Marlin spike. Aws😊me! Thanks for another great video!


Another stellar video, Brent! I live watching your videos, but also listening to them!! You’re like the Bob Ross of cordage! 🥰🦻🎶


Very Nice! I like your thought process on deciding how long to make the Spike and the turkshead is a nice functional & decorative touch. A quick tip... Paracord will shrink whe exposed to boiling water. This is very useful in tightening knots. You may consider waiting to do a final trim on the ends of the cordage until after its been exposed to the boiling water. The shrinking cordage may shift the ends making them visable if done prior. Depending on the project, I will sometimes preshrink my paracord to prevent the project from shrinking after completing.


I feel like this man just dropped some hard to find knowledge on us unsuspecting plebians. You earned a sub my dude.


Great work! A little word of advice tho. You should protect your lathe when using abrasive materials, the abrasive dust falls on the ways of the lathe and grinds them when you run the carriage over again.


"now that we have it... lets keep going." Best line I've ever heard.


didn't know what a marlin spike was, didn't know much about knots and whatnot, but now i learned a lot and i kinda understand why all the preppy guys always say that knowing different knots is important, this looks like it's very versatile and could easily translate to different things, because i'd imagine you get a 3D view understanding of it in your head
