Molinist Philosophical and Theological Ventures with Kirk MacGregor

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Kirk R. MacGregor's new book represents a significant advance of the philosophical and theological conversation surrounding Molinism. It opens by arguing that Molinism constitutes the best explanation of the scriptural data on divine sovereignty, human freedom, predestination, grace, and God’s salvific will. The alleged biblical prooftexts for open theism are better explained, according to Kirk MacGregor, by Molinism. Responding to philosophical critics of Molinism, MacGregor offers a novel solution to the well-known grounding objection and a robust critique of arguments from explanatory priority. He also presents a Molinist interpretation of branching time models as heuristic illustrations of the relationship between possibility and feasibility. Seeking to push Molinism into new territories, MacGregor furnishes a Molinist account of sacred music, according to which music plays a powerful apologetic function. Finally, regarding the nature of hell, MacGregor contends that Molinism is compatible with both eternalism and eventual universalism.
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wow just wow . macgregor is so eloquient and systematic even in his speech.. now am going to read his firt book o moplinism


Great exposition of Romans 9 - I have had similar thoughts about predestination and election. Nice one guys thank you for the awesome ministry. By the way, loving MacGregor's book so far.


Great discussion just downloaded the book on my kindle.


I tried to read Dr. MacGregor's book but it was a bit technical. I may try it again when I am a bit more informed. The subject material is interesting though.


Fantastic! Looking forward to meeting you both at the EPS!


Woah. I’m DEFINITELY gonna have to listen again. Sweet 😃


Hm, now I'm thinking a triple combination of ECT as the repentance tool, with eventual universalism for those who would freely repent, and closed off with annihilationism for everyone whom God Middle Knows would never repent (at the ending of this spacetimeline and restarting with the new heaven & new earth).


Is it too late to catch Tim replying to comments? If not...

Would someone be a molonist if they agree that God has middle knowledge, but He did not use it before He created the world? Thoughts?


Dr. Stratton quote: --- *“IF”* all things are determined by something other than me, which is what follows from EDD [Exhaustive Divine Determinism], *”THEN”* I think calling anything free is merely a rhetorical euphemism designed to avoid the real issue.”
ME >>> Exactly correct. Planning, organizing, *choosing, * authoring, predestining, decreeing and actualizing the millisecond-by-millisecond unfolding of a prechosen world, that is *“Grounded”* nowhere *EXCEPT* within the matrix of the Molinist Gods mind, is a central fundamental feature of the man-made Craig/Stratton theory of Molinism Theology and *BY DEFINITION* that is somebody determining everything, i.e. *”all things”, * a person thinks, believes and does by virtue of the *FACT* that the Molinist God places everybody in the specific millisecond-by-millisecond circumstances they find themselves so as to bring about the desired outcome and will of the Molinist God; which *BY DEFINITION* is EDD [Exhaustive Divine Determinism]. Prove me wrong.
