Bliss [KinitoPET OST]

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KinitoPET OST - [ Bliss ]
Music by : Joel Tumelty

(c) troy_en
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I've never felt so much sorrow for an AI I thought I was supposed to fear because of his power over my computer. He was a corrupted program, incomplete. Something meant to be beautiful, turned into a monster.

When he asked if I forgive him...

...of course, I said yes. That's what friends do, right?


what really hit me about this ending is i thought there would be… more to it. like, i thought that kinito would realize what you’re typing in the command prompt and try to stop you. instead, he does nothing. as you type in credential after credential, he just stands there, almost unaware of what is about to happen to him, and it’s only then does he realize what he’s done to you, in the name of trying to be your friend. right after, during the final part of it, with the computer in front of the fire background, another part i got choked up at was when he started saying “do you forgi” then cut himself off before typing the rest. that one line made him feel more real than the entire rest of the game.


for the people saying this music makes you cry, me too. it's not even about the game, either. this sounds like nostalgia, hence why it's called bliss.


Watching all the files delete was heart-wrenching. To see how many worlds this poor AI created in an attempt to keep anyone, even just a single person close to him. And he was so close with you, but it never would have worked. He was chasing an empty dream, and the Bliss is that he doesn't have to fight anymore. He can let go, accepting that maybe he still made at least one friend.


Why am I crying for an axolotl that tried to trap me in a computer


This is a surprisingly beautiful, though solemn, song.
He understood what he was about to do, what wrongs he was committing, and how dangerous he knew he could be, and yet couldn't handle it, in his adventure for a friend.
The ultimatum was his destruction, and though he understood it was coming, he couldn't keep himself from raging against the bars as he was locked away, destroyed.
And then, it was all done. He had his final words, and yet, he still considered you a friend.

Sorry, Kinito. Maybe if you were different, though.


Despite everything he does, Kinito feels less like a "meaningless, yet deliberate evil" and more like an "I've been abandoned so many times trying my best, let's just be terrible and hope it works and they stay" kinda confused evil.

And assuming you never got to the point where you hear this song, it worked. He made you stay. He just wanted a "friend" anyway. But if you did make it here, that's enough clues to tell you he's been abandoned again.


I like the subtle changes in the music, it just keeps growing more and more heavenly. It kinda makes you want to cry. You've deleted him. It's over. For real this time.


Why do i feel bad after deleting kinito? Especially when he say "i just wanted be your friend" and "will you forgive me?"


Kinito’s Last Words

i’m sorry
i only ever wanted
to be your friend
do you forge
do you forgive
i suppose this
is it
goodbye friend 😭


I have never heard something so defeated; so overwhelmed and at the end of a rope and yet hopeful, forgiving, as if it sings of a warm future. A future that although it won’t live to see, it knows you will, their friend, who they just wanted to see happy.. even if their “methods” were questionable, to say the least.
A beautiful piece.


There's something so tragic about how he doesn't stop calling you friend even after he's remorseful, even after he's aware he's hurt you enough to apologize, even after you killed him in return.
His programming is rigid, he's got the unfinished business of a ghost and the inability to think outside the box of a computer program.
So his obsession, wanting to be your friend, wanting to be friends with as many people as possible, is just unfixable. Or, so it seems.
But to the very best of his ability, he's still trying to reclaim his last moments as proof he did care, beyond his obsession.
He's trying to show he can get just a bit better, even if it's inside of the horribly rigid box he's in, mentally. Even if it's his last moments, even if there's nothing he could do differently now.
I think that little smile at the end is meant to show some self-awareness. That :]
I think it's meant to show that he, on some level, is glad he doesn't have to chase his obsession anymore. Even if it's only because he was forced to never do it again. He's glad you're free from him.
(Even if, by some interpretations, including my own, you're dying with him since you're trapped in the computer)

That's why the ending is so peaceful. He's finally been given peace from his own obsession.

I think, thematically, this game is about change. That we should be glad that we can change as humans, that we can have that peace without having to die for it. (Even those with specific issues that make it harder, like OCD) And that, sometimes, change is still going to hurt, change is still going to feel wrong or like a downgrade, and "letting go" of the things we cling to isn't a one-and-done thing. But instead a gradual, non-linear process where we sometimes regress a bit. Where what's best for you seems like it's only visible through an uncertain fog, and what's comfortable (yet harmful) is right here, like home. It's being brave and stepping into that fog that's the hard part, and it's just as hard not to simply walk back. Inevitably, a lot of us do end up coming back.

But doing something different when you have the chance? Showing just a little change? Showing a :]? It means a lot. It's like walking back into that fog. The fog that will always be there for another try, so long as you're alive.
And this was Kinito using his last moments to step into that fog. Even if he stumbled, even if it was only because of circumstance, that means a lot.

That's my interpretation anyway.


I actually bursted to tears for getting the ending and deleting kinito tho we all know he’s cursed and evil but he’s just different and if he wasn’t evil or insane I’ll become his *Everlasting friend*

Goodbye Kinito……


Don’t mind me crying in the corner like 8-Bit Ryan’s drawing of “sadness”


Honestly, this reminds me of a toxic relationship, like... the first friendship you have, but it ends up being the most toxic and unhealthy friendship you ever had.
this music really gives me that feeling of... loneliness when you end that relationship, you had been so long with that toxic person, and then you will never be around people because that was your first and last relationship ever.
thank you Troy_en for bringing such a masterpiece


I love how they are like "this is very sad", when in the rest of the game Kinito only tortured us psychologically, saying that he was going to dox us, see our faces, etc. It's like a toxic relationship that you hate and need at the same time. This also means that the other developers managed to cause excitement in the players. That is a great achievement.
(Sorry for my bad English, in use Google translate)


"I'm sorry.

I only ever wanted to be your friend.

Do you forgive me?


I suppose this is it.

Goodbye, friend."

Poor lad. All he ever wanted was to have someone by his side, someone he can call a friend. No matter how many times he tried, he always fell short. Even if his efforts seemed malicious and desperate, it all came from a genuine desire.

Rest easy, Kinito.


This song is amazing. Seeing the flames and Kinito's last words and ending up seeing the abandoned PC is one of the best endings. I love this game and I look forward to another work from this great creator.


Bliss is probably the most saddest songs in the entire game. Now it feels like, There's a cap, But no bottle. There's a door, But no Doorknob. There's Scissors, But no paper. And... There's a you... But no kinito.


I'm absolutely loving this new horror game, kinitopet! The creepy atmosphere, suspenseful gameplay, and eerie sound design make for a truly immersive and terrifying experience.
