This is What Kakarot Needed!

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Dragon Ball Z Kakarot DLC 2 Gameplay. Going through the Golden Frieza arc, giving you a review for DBZ Kakarot DLC 2.



Production Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound

#Globku #DragonBallZ #DBZKakarot
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goddamn Frieza bout to have me act up


things we need for this game:
custom battle mode between the characters
option to turn off some HUD things like the damage numbers
option to choose between outfits
more playable characters


Not really into card games so I didn't really care about the multiplayer so I'm happy that dlc 2 is above average for me


Remember when the devs said they wanted this game to make you really feel like goku and friends? With their power no wonder you mop the frieza force when you're multiple levels ahead of them thay makes sense with resurrection f and scaling respectively


Goku Black story arc? It seems like their going in order. Also makes me think there will be another season pass.... Cause why not.


I feel like this dlc would have had a much bigger impact had it been released a lot earlier this is clearly a two part DLC with beerus being the first part


Honestly, I like the card update, I like the Dragon Ball Heroes game and I hope they turn that dlc into something a little more interesting in later years


I think it's sad they don't have the CC2 quick time events like in the Storm series that they are so famous for.


The lvl 300 frieza fight is pretty cool, I like to experiment between different transformations and moves with goku and vegeta, while stunning and surging to get some cool animations. I did the same with beerus at the first DLC, now I can both beerus lvl 300 n frieza.


To stop ki from depleating get king of ki and auto ssgss that will fix it


What a Dragonball single player game needs is to be its own story. Don’t just make people replay the series. Or a reimagined series like in Dragonball Xenoverse. A Dragonball rpg needs to not be afraid to create its own alternate storyline. I’ve already watched Dragonball, Z, Super, and GT. I would like to play a story where I don’t know what’s going to happen. Like and alternate timeline. Kind of like how marvel for awhile had the main universe canon comics and the ultimate universe. And others. Or even a future Dragonball story where most or all of the current characters are dead and you play their descendants. You can still play through Goku’s life, but you can play a different version of it.

Also, you could have different routes that unfold based off the decisions that you make. Giving you more freedom as to play the story. Allowing you to play a more evil Kakarot (not black) or a more morally grey kakarot. Or Goku based on his personality. Or you could cause different events to occur or open up. Like hell maybe you could piss off Bulma and she goes and makes her a brand new villain... with science. Not Cell.

More customizability. Like, Maybe you don’t have to play as Goku. Maybe you could play as a unique character you create. Or if you do play as the other characters you could change them up. Maybe they learn attacks or abilities that they didn’t gain in the show. Or you could just dress them different. You could have also incorporate Easter eggs, or shout outs, clothing items, and other accessories based on stuff from other Shonen jump anime.

The ability to collect Dragonballs on both earth and Namek or New Namek or even super Dragonballs. Give a range of options to choose from for wishes. Including those that motivated characters in the show to collect them. Immortality, riches, or to revive someone, or gain information. Maybe you can learn something from a wish you can’t elsewhere. Like how Goku and Vegeta learned about super Saiyan Gods.

Also, allow npcs including villains to collect Dragonballs. Possibly causing a confrontation or problem to come later if you don’t stop them before hand.

Create forms and abilities that don’t exist in the show. Like idk. Ultra instinct disco inferno god. It’s like ultra instinct but, your hair reflects like a disco ball.. which the reflection has solar flair attributes. That’s a cheesy example but, something different . Or customizable forms.

Or even start off following the same story but, create different routes based on decision. Like what would happen if Goku let Krillin kill Vegeta... or if Radditz raised Gohan. Or if Nappa betrayed and killed Vegeta instead of the other way around. What if Cell came back in time during the Saiyan saga. Or Buu was awakened during Dragonball... which yea Buu would annihilate everyone probably... as would cell but... their alternate routes. Maybe playing through a reality where the villain wins could be interesting.

Dragonball games have always had a certain rigidness to them. They Don’t experience the much. I’d like to see them embrace a little more flexibility and take some risk. I mean even Xenoverse is really just Dragonball all over again with outsiders interfering with things ... though it is still interesting.

Or hey... maybe a mini game should be baseball with or annoying Devil Artemis’ Cell. Lol they could atleast acknowledge DA in a game. That’s be fun. Or Team 4Star. They won’t but, that’s be neat.


vegetas new galick gun is actually chargeable and the new level three hundred beerus and level three hundred freiza is also in here, ssb has the unique effect of having extended surge time


Dragonball Z merchandise will never die and im glad Dragonball Z deserves the recognition it gets on each video game with endless DLCs on the ps4 I might get back into Kakarot after seeing this video.


Look at Globku like a nerd dodging Frieza’s attacks. Me on the other hand just press circle and hope


*sigh.. I understand the reasoning for it in this game but ssb is perfect ki control. It draims stamina not ki lol


I will say, I did want the Horde battles to be more...exciting. Like in the Valor one, if every now and then a Bosses would show up (Frieza forms, Buu, etc.) Spice it up. Or just tougher enemies/variety. Tho...I did go up to 6k lol so still had fun.

Side Note: on the Transformation Kids management thing. I'm pretty sure ya just had Auto God in, so that's why it didn't drain.


To me, the end of this dlc might be hinting at broly as the next dlc, but since the next dlc is said to be even bigger, I'd say the next dlc might involve zamasu or even the tournament of power. I'd prefer a broly dlc imo but I'm excited to see Kakarot's take on either DBS arch mentioned


I’m upset that the regular super saiyan aura when you power up isn’t yellow/gold it’s still blue aura which looks the same as the super saiyan blue.. they should fix that in my opinion.


I play dlc 2 yesterday and I loved it but i was disappointed for how short it was


So everyone wanted something that should have already been in the game
