Is SSGSS a good transformation? #dragonball #dragonballsuper #goku #vegeta #ssb #short

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To me perfected blue fix the problem in the best way because goku was at not being able to catch fused zamasu to equalizing him and had a chance to beat him. If he didn't have immortality. It just shows how powerful super Saiyan blue is at its maximum.


Blue is not meant to be the pinnacle, otherwise Ultra instinct/ego wouldn't have been a thing so quickly, heck blue+ki'o'ken was a pretty early reminder that there is something beyond it. Blue is the introduction or the baseline to a new tier of challenge. Goku, vegeta, the whole fighting cast is not to be seen as fighting on the level of mortals now, that being said blue only gets them into the arena of the celestials, it does not make them equals.


What I dislike about the form is they treated it like it was regular super saiyan, that would be fine if all the characters had God forms. It shouldn't have been used at all int he tournament of power until there was actual threats. It was also introduced WAY to early. I would've liked to see goku go super saiyan blue for the first time when he got Enraged against zamasu and goku black, showing how it it the Enraged super aaiyan transformation ontop of super saiyan God.


In short when they get stronger an opponent that is much stronger get introduced


Something that has confused me with ssb is why there's not ssb2 or ssb3 because theoretically it's possible. Just go super saiyan 2 or 3 while on god form


No matter how strong you are or you think you are, there is always someone stronger far beyond your wildest imagination.
Like this guy 👉 ϵ(◉▿◉)϶ <(hello.)


I dont think SSB is the ultimate form but more a huge stepping stone to something greater i.e UI and Ult Ego. But i also dont think that goku and vegeta have harnessed the full potential of SSB. for example when goku first went SSJ his power was increase greatly he took down frieza and it was awesome. But then they fought android 17 & 18 ssj wasn't enough until they fully mastered it when goku & gohan went into the hyperbolic time chamber they fully mastered ssj to the point where they made it more powerful and stable they could literally stay as super saiyan as if it was there base form without any energy or stamina drain. They were able to fully regain energy and stamina in that form same as in base form when they achieved this they could easily take down 17 & 18 with little effort. Idk the exact numbers but for arguments sake they basically made ssj 3 to 5 times more powerful and perfectly stable on their bodies to use. To the point where goku was even able to put up a good fight against perfect cell although he was not as strong as cell and did lose its potential and full output against a power house like cell put cell in a situation where he had to use 90% to 100% of what he had to beat goku. Sorry to all those reading im going on a bit here but my point is that if goku and vegeta apply the same or similar method to SSB i believe they will then fully master the form much like they did with ssj. If they do that the potential for ssb will rise exponentially making it enough to face many of the new power house fighters were seeing in DBSuper guys like jiren. Personally i feel they are rushing goku and vegeta next evolution a bit with UI and UEgo as they haven't properly mastered ssb yet. In DBZ ssj was mastered before they achieved ssj2 and even though its never showcased we can safely assume that similar training method was used with ssj2 in order to fully master that form, given how smart both goku and vegeta are as fighters it would be very surprising if this method of training wasn't used for ssj2 given how greatly it improved ssj in just 1 year


I mean they explain it in the Manga, I believe it was Whis who says they rely too much on their transformations rather than increasing their base strength. They've taken a step into divine ki, mastering it is completely different. It's why you can have gods like the Kai's be gods but still weak by comparison of the main cast. Or Angel's being stronger than other angels, their ki is just more developed.


ive always disliked ssb because my favorite transformation is ssg


Its time goku doesn't get a transformation that increase his ki but rather increase his stamina.


you got it all wrong blue is an op transformation while ui isnt much stronger than it


Dbs is just not a good show at all, that's the answer


I loved this show as a kid… SS1 and 2 are iconic. 3 and 4 okay, we get it… now we’re on like SS17 or whatever and it’s just lame. We needed to go from Aliens to god beings from other universes just so the scaling makes sense. Someone needs to put this cash cow out of its misery already.


It's sucks and is an epic failure of a transformation it's supposed to rival Gods and deities and they use for sparring practices I could written the show better there half ass writing of the characters really grinds me left as I support the DB series and only a loyal anime fan do to it part of my childhood and military history watching with my people Super started off with greatest between lord beerus and Goku fighting the story overall was great in battle of the Gods but the TV series was drag out unexplainable power gaps and jumps and the Gods form over use and jump from red to blue too fast that bullshit with frieza 4 month training and 17 really takes the cake as different unjack trunks comes from the future with another unexplainable bullshit transformation 😂😂😂 I understand the need to make money but put better quality in the story it like they got a hate boner for everyone who not goku or Vegeta or gohan
