IntegraRack: $545 Ground Mount Solar Array Assembled in Less Than an Hour!

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0:00 Installation
2:20 Installation Time
2:37 Mounting Options
5:15 Comparison to Brightmount
6:01 More About The Company
6:26 Concrete Anchor Install
7:02 Conclusion

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IntegraRack's other products:

0:00 Installation
2:20 Installation Time
2:37 Mounting Options
5:15 Comparison to Brightmount
6:01 More About The Company
6:26 Concrete Anchor Install
7:02 Conclusion

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I owe you a big thank you. I rarely wear safety glasses though I've been working with power tools got longer than you've been alive. Seeing you wear them frequently I started wearing them more often. Yesterday I was using an angle grinder to cut some steel, the disk broke and a big piece bounced off my glasses. It hit hard enough to leave a gouge and shove the glasses hard against my face. The gouge is directly over my left eye. Thank you for the good example, even geezers need good teachers.


Just came back from Baja California getting ready to start building my retirement home off grid been looking at different systems on youtube and in my opinion you got the best information on off grid system


Needs angle of adjustment for seasonal changes, should be easy to add. Ask them about it


I bought my batteries and inverters but held off on the solar panels and mounts because I hadn't settled on that part yet. I think this system is the bomb! So glad I waited.


Hi, New subscriber here. Thank you for a simplified explanation on all your videos . For most of us, solar installation is like traversing down the proverbial rabbit hole 🕳. There's a reasonable explanation why you have close to 1 Million subscribers. You are helping countless others and giving them the opportunity and confidence they need . Thank you


Will, I appreciate you, your knowledge and your personality. Without you I wouldn't be installing a solar system, hiring an electrician only for the tie-in.


I have them on home wall SW, works just fine. 180 solar panels combiner box with fuses each panel..


Edit: Will has already amended the pricing listed in the title and description of the video.. great content as usual!

Original Message:
Before anyone get's too excited, you only get one set of legs for that 109$ (not including the additional conduit or ballast supplies). A 20x panels mount will be well over $2500


I hope their site is down when i get there, otherwise this may create a really big issue for me. I have been thinking about solar forever and this may be the impetus i need to actually get started. Where i live on the West Slope of Colorado with 1.5 acres of open land as my backyard I need to start harvesting some of what the sun provides. Thank you Will, you provide so much awesome knowledge to the rest of us. Peace Out.


Pretty amazing that you still had access to drill and fix it to your slab even after it was fully assembled with the panels in place :)


Anyone that’s looking for mounting solutions in snow country I highly advise you to find a way to get them more elevated so when you clear snow it has someplace to fall without building up and needing to be shoveled away after.


Wow, love the affordable price and quick assembly. Oh cool, these guys are local too (Las Vegas).
I recently watched a video by AZ Expert and he mounted solar panels on a pergola, thereby offering a usable shaded area underneath. I thought that was pretty clever and cost effective too.


Use pedestal blocks for a solid mounting option. A single bolt on each block; one on the front and back between each panel support, will keep it from going anywhere.


I just saw this video. To say it's timely would be accurate. I wintered in Arizona in my RV and I had 2 400 watt solar panels which I hauled with me in my motorcycle trailer. I ground deployed them which worked but wasn't optimal. I was planning to mount those panels to the roof of the trailer for next winter but after seeing your video I think I'll buy enough of these to mount all 3 of my panels. I'll use large lag screws to anchor them into the ground. In Arizona the soil is very rocky and lag screws work very well, even during wind storms.


I have been seeing the IntegraRack ads on youtube and thought they looked interesting. So glad you posted this, as it was on the list to look at!!


The only thing I dislike is the fact you anchored it right in front of the garage door. 😂


Things are simply getting easier with time. Great system by IntegraRack. I'm sold.


I have a 17 degree south facing slope on my property and I laid out a 5s4p 20 panel array on the ground with some basic lodge pole wooden ground mounts. It works perfectly and I get about 90% efficiency based on some charts I saw for angle and orientation. My biggest concern is elk walking on them, but they've actually done quite well at walking around them. Digging them out of the snow is a bit of a pain too, but I prop them up with the snow in the winter to get as much as 30 degrees tilt. I'm at 48N in Montana.


Finally something that was affordable and easy to install.
