GSWJ - Why Do I Hate Martin Guitars?

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This is my response to many people who have assumed that I have something against the grand guitar company. The contents of this video might surprise you!

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In 1978 my late buddy Carl Smith was getting hassled about playing his electric guitar in his apartment so he decided to trade in his spare Stratocaster for an acoustic. So I drove him to Fredericton and spent about 6 hours in the music store while he tried all of the available acoustics. The end choice came down to a $700 Gibson and a $200 Norman. He agonized over the choice for the last two hours and I finally asked him "Which one feels best in your hands?" He said, "No difference, really." "Which one has the better sound?" He shrugged and said, "the Norman, to be honest." "Well then, you found your guitar." Carl bought and sold all sorts of Fenders and Epiphones as part of his semi-pro music career as a bassist and rhytym guitarist. But he lugged that Norman to the day he died. RIP old buddy.


One of the things I love most about you, JP is your honesty. Tell it like it is.


Been watching you all year -- you tell it like it is from your perspective and folks don't have to watch if they don't want to. I'm a Martin lover (guitars from '73 - 2018), along with a few others. I have had great luck with all my Martins -- but not everyone does and listening to MANY reviews and opinions can only serve to increase one's knowledge base. Keep up the great work!


Man what a great video. I’m just starting my own guitar building journey and the master luthier I study under constantly preaches that a luthier is only as good as his last guitar. When you mentioned holding builders to a standard it reminded me of that.


I played a $200 Alvarez a few weeks ago ( brand new) and it was a canon! Man it was loud, and it was cheap and it was brand new. No voodoo with this one. It was a cheap Chinese factory guitar, but it was LOUD and sounded fine. Love your channel J.P.


Hi John,
you are completly right! In my more than 40 years as a fingerpicker and guitar teacher I met a lot of non professional players who don´t have the sense of hearing the difference! And lots of them have a good paid job which allows them to buy expensive guitars from a famous brand. So sometimes a guitar became a status symbol and the owners don´t realize that it sounds terrible because they are not able to hear it.You can´t help them..
All the best from Germany. I love your channel!


I bought my D18 for one reason. It spoke to me. I loved the way it sounded and played. I had a Taylor 314ce LTD (red wood cedar/rosewood) that I liked, but after one strum on the D18, I was sold! I thought I was a Taylor guy. My D18 is literally the best sounding guitar I’ve ever owned/played. It’s all about what speaks to you!


This is the 2nd video of yours, that i have watched. I am now a subscriber because of this video. This is the most honest and whole-hearted conversation i have heard probably ever. I only wish that there were more poeple in the world like you. Thank you for this greatly made video and your amazing attitude about music. " In my OPINION" you are 100% right. I'm gonna be spending the next several hours binge-watching your videos, to see what else i've been missing. Thank you again😊.


This video was really eye-opening. I was literally obsessed with owning a Martin for the last months and always thought a lot of how to afford wheter a D-28 or a 000-18. I don't why, but i heard this models played a lot from my guitar heros and role models. You mentioned the emotional attachment to certain brands and it is 100 procent true that this attachment makes people blind to the real quality of a guitar.
Thanks a lot escpecially for your kind, open and loving way to talk the truth about guitars, musicians and music. Thank you :)


I agree with you on prices. I love Martin, but I’m retired and my skill level doesn’t justify $4000-5000 for the guitar I want (HD-28 or Om-28). But I bought a Larrivee OM40R and it was half the price of a Martin but sounds great, and the build is fantastic. Perfling is wood, and rosewood is gorgeous. The sound, most importantly, is perfect (for me).


JP I’m an old picker myself. I own a couple Martins as well. Sadly even the standard series Martin guitars are now out of reach for most folks. My eyes were recently opened to the wonderful value of Yamaha. I picked up a grand concert in solid mahogany with a torrented Sitka top and a dual source pickup for a shade over 800$. Brought it to a jam recently where a Goodall jumbo, a beautiful Martin 68 dred, were being played. First the Yamaha really held its own, 2nd the owner of the Goodall who is a long time friend kept playing it shaking his head and told me, “ American made that same guitar would cost you over 3K”, then he said “ that’s a home run”. I’m also a member of the forum you mentioned and do apologize for your treatment. Peace


Brand loyalty is a good term for this. I started playing in 1987. Guys have walked up to me at gigs and said " Oh, . That's just an Epiphone" and walked away bragging to their buddy or girlfriend that they have the "real Gibson version" at home.
I usually just ignore it and keep doing my thing.
I always get a laugh at crap like that.


This guy speaks facts, I just returned a Gibson J45 for a Yamaha FG5. Lots of these guitar makers have gotten fat and greedy, now they mass produce garbage and sell guitars because of their reputation instead of quality. Our loyalty has been taken for granted.


Dude, you're 100% correct. It's largely all about the psychological connections we make with notoriety. Once upon a time, D-28's and other Martin models could be had at reasonable prices (like back in the late 70's through the mid to late 80's or so) but those days are long gone, and today's prices are beyond obscene. At the end of the day, great acoustic guitars boil down to 2 critical ingredients: (1) quality materials, and (2) craftsmanship, which would encompass build-quality. The name on the headstock isn't what's important despite the mental traps that we tend to get caught up in, at least temporarily. God bless!


I have a bunch of guitars gibson fender Martin Normand I love them all and I love JP’s honesty just because mine haven’t failed doesn’t mean they are perfect for everyone.


"The name on the headstock DOESN'T just matters that you're happy"--Agree 100%


I’m with you here. I myself only played cheap acoustics until I played a Martin, then refused to play anything but a Martin. Then I played an Alvarez parlor guitar once and was shocked at the quality for the price. Now my favorite guitar is an Alvarez BG60. I still have my Martins and still play them, but if I’m recording or performing, that’s my guitar of choice now.


HI J.P.. greeting from Ireland/ You have just illustrated what I have experienced down through the years from gong into music shops and picking up expensive brands that simply didn't hear what I expected of them. I recall a conversion with a well known guitarist in traditional music circles who sadly passed away recently. He said "you don't have to buy an expensive guitar for it to sound good". great video.


Bought a brand new 000-18 Custom Shop in 2017.
Believe or not, she needed a neck reset right out of the factory...🙈


Back in 2008 after my wife and I split- I needed something to pick me up - I went to Long and McQuade and sat down and tried every acoustic in the place. From martins worth a ton of money to Gibsons, Taylors, a few semi acoustics and what guitar stood out? I wanted a bluegrass finger picking guitar that really spoke to me - It was a Martin D16 GT. It was like heaven in my hands! It was perfect for me -I walked out with that guitar for $1300.00 with the tax and never looked back. As it got older - It sounded better. So - there you have it.
