People manifesting a specific person are stuck in trauma - THE CURE!

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You CAN manifest your specific person but you MUST understand this aspect of manifesting more clearly - you can't be manifesting FROM your trauma. You can't be manifesting FROM your attachment wound. In this video I talk about how to identify this within yourself and CHANGE your thinking around how you're interacting with your old trauma/attachment wounds so you *stop* projecting it all onto your SP and stalling your manifestation.

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“They are special, but not special in the way your wounds make them out to be”- whoa Nelly that nails it


THANK YOU for calling out the dumb twin flame thing. It's a downright icky concept in my opinion because it presupposes that I am not already whole and complete in myself. I'm not half a soul, I'm a whole and sovereign soul already thank ya very much!


LOL ... This comment has made me laugh so hard (12:00): "sometimes when I see pictures of your sp-s, I'm like... really?" 😄 I've just had this image of all the sp-s with big beer bellies, sitting in front of the TV watching football while we (crazy " manifestors") are desperately affirming as we are reaching the state akin to sleep "sp loves me, sp loves me" 🤣 I love your videos, Genevieve! 😍


I'm 42 and been in that attachment wound my entire life. I've been single for 12 years. Every time I meet a guy and feel a connection I go straight into that anxious attachment and they pretty much stop talking to me. Sometimes I'll just have one conversation with a guy where I feel a connection and this process starts so for me it's gotten to the point where it's really bad...I think that's why I've been single for so long because the second I meet someone I like I'm straight into that anxious state. You hit the nail on the head where you said you almost feel safe not having them and feeling like you have to work for them. I think this is why following the advice of certain yt 'coaches' who just teach techniques and affirming etc has made my circumstances get so much worse for the last few years that I've been watching content. I've just been doing everything from a wounded place and affirming made me soooo much worse!


Thanks for calling out the twin flame thing. It’s so toxic and unhealthy. It makes you feel like there is no possibility for the level of deep connection you have with this one person.


I understand why TF feels like such a relatable concept to some people. Like, if it weren't for my sp, I'd never have found the law, and the law did change my life in amazing ways. However, he was just the catalyst for this event in my life and there's no need to pedestalize him for that. Some of the TF concepts are downright... Crazy and stressful. Like you need to always be vibrating at a good frequency, and you can't think thoughts about them because then you're in 'push' energy, or that they CAN'T come to you because they still have 'work' to do on themselves (which is such a big limiting belief). Besides, if you genuinely believe you and your person split from the same soul, how are you EVER going to feel okay without them? You can never be detached from them and be happy and whole within if you think that way. Good on you for saying what you believe in 👏🏻


I swear to God (myself) I freakin manifested you!!! 😂 I spent last week doing a deep dive on attachment theory becoming super aware of what’s going on inside me and the dynamic with my sp and yesterday, I had an experience that was reminiscent of an ayahuasca trip where I spent some hours suffering in my wounds and I felt like eternity like I would never escape and then I finally realized that the trick is to let go! And poof! The suffering went away. In letting go, I told myself the EXACT things you said. If I lose him forever, I’ll be okay. So I gathered the courage to postpone the Netflix and chill weekend we were supposed spend together so I could stabilize myself and work on becoming secure internally. You are representing everyone is you pushed out in such a profound way! You’re repeating my thoughts from just yesterday back to me in the 3D! Confirmation that my sp will do the same at some point when >>>I<<<< am ready! Tysm!!! 🙂🙂🙂


*knowing your person loves you but not needing to see it in the 3d* <--yes! I am finally getting this reflection thing. I had this view of seeing my sp as an energy more than an actual person, even when having met the actual person who feels to be this energy. I even had the thought that perhaps this energy can shift to different humans.
This loosens it up in a way for me where I can see it both ways; allowing for healthy attachment, 'knowing' of What Is right now, and accpeting that desires are all already fulfilled, but also framing it in a way that doesn't let my human ego self get stuck in lack and wounds. I hope this makes sense!


If you treat them like a celebrity they will treat you like a fan.


12:02 🤣🤣🤣 100%. I've seen some people's SPs and thought the same thing. Even my therapist looked dumbfounded regarding my SP.


This is the best video on manifesting I’ve ever seen. It applies to so many aspects of life- not just SP’s. Thank you so much for keeping it real and making it so easy to understand how childhood wounds affect manifestation.


This is the best video I have watched ever,
I've been trying to manifest an SP for years now, I watched countless manifestation videos on end, I read articles and books, I was obsessed, and I always blamed it all on myself, that if I just could "figure out" the "missing piece", the "wrong thing" in me and "fix it", I would finally manifest, after being on therapy for 6 months now, I realised the only missing piece ever in my whole life (not just in relation to sp) was me,
Thank you so much for this enlightening video that litterallu feels like a soothing medecine to the wound ❤🙏


Great video. Feels like I just had a therapy session. The wound always feels anxious-- that resonates. Detaching from SP has been the healthiest thing I can do. I'm getting to a place of loving unconditionally, both myself and him.


Great video! Also it is really important to remind yourself that though you experienced attachment wound in your childhood, as an adult you do not need to project that into others. Yes you got rejection from your father/mother, but your SP is not your father/mother. Yes it was hurtful when you were rejected by your father/mother and yes it gave you trauma, and yes your whole system (body, brain) is trying to keep you safe from that, but you can't live your life from that trauma. A lot of people do not realize it, and end up having the same issues in their relationships. We are adults, not wounded childs anymore.


I’ve put mine on a pedestal..and he’s put me there..he’s put me there when I’ve let go to a degree that made a SP manifestation, it led to an awakening. A big one…


We can attract any SP from a mind heart filled with love and forgiveness. That’s a wonderful feeling. Non attachment comes from the place of acknowledging we all one. No one can be placed on a higher level than the one in which we are. 3D is always going to show up as a messenger of our subconscious thoughts. All at its divine time.


OMG…this so freeing. You used my exact situation. I was not raised by my Father, and I would sit and wait for him to come see me as a little girl. He made numerous promises, and never kept them. I knew I still had remnants of abandonment, which I’m working on with my therapist. Now I see the link to my attachment with the SP. I’m so ready to just let go NOW!


25:05 - 31:03 I needed to hear that.Thank you so much.


You are super underrated girl. Also I just laugh so much whenever you use the word crazy.


this was absolutely mind blowing... that moment when you said "the idea that we will be forever alone is the real delusion" - jaw drop... but I wonder how can we tell the difference between normal grief after a loss and anxious attachment?
