How To Profit From Your Own Death -Weird Money

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Did you know there is a way to invest in your own death?
We’re not talking about privatized morgues or… wait, maybe there’s something there.
Unfortunately, everyone dies. That’s right our precious little snowflake, even you.
(In fact, in the few seconds it took you to read that you marched a few seconds closer to your own demise.)
With so many “customers,” it seems like the business of death is a can’t miss a deal. There's cremation and funeral homes, tombstones, those weird giant rose wreath things that are placed in graveyards. Cemeteries could be a gold mine. A dark, depressing gold mine.
But that’s not what we are talking about either. No, we’re here to discuss life insurance policies.
How to profit from your own death with a life insurance policy
We’re not saying to go out and get a life insurance policy to make sure your loved ones are taken care of should anything untimely happen to you. Can you imagine?
No, we’re talking about how you can use a life insurance policy to profit from your own death.
In order for this to work, you need to find an insurance company that will issue an insurance policy that you can then turn around and sell.
Then, you need to find a life settlement company or broker. Let’s call them “The Company.” The Company then evaluates your policy like a mortician will inspect your stone-cold corpse and decide what your current life-trajectory is worth. Sorry bucko, it’s more probably more humbling than flattering.
The Company will then sell your policy to a buyer. We’ll call them The Buyer. The Buyer may be whoever... Hobo Joe or maybe one of your children. (You know which one we’re talking about.)
The Buyer then gives you a cash payout, while they continue to pay premiums. Upon your passing, they then receive a fat cash benefit.
That's called the life settlement.
And you?
Well, the way we look at it, living below your means is a great philosophy for people who are already dead. Slaves to a job they hate, doing work that could be replaced by machines, employed by a boss they don’t respect.
(By “people” we mean “some people”... not you, of course.)
Profit from your own death so you can live
That money you get from The Buyer, it’s yours to spend how you want. Vacation more, pay for your kid's college — in cash! Perhaps listen to the advice of your Rich Dad and invest it into that multi-unit apartment complex for all that cash flow… you know, like “some people” do.
And The Buyer, well they’re the ones who might profit from your death… or not.
If you die before your estimated life expectancy, The Buyer is likely to receive a higher return. But if you live longer… maybe they walk away with that expired Starbucks card.
Sure, if you sell your life insurance policy to a mobster or ex-wife you have basically incentivized them to murder you. But that only happens in Lifetime movies, right?
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