M. Shadows Voice Battle - Every Era (A.I.) - Avenged Sevenfold

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Prepare thy cerebral circuits to be tantalized and engorged with an astoundingly cerebral and intellectually stimulating spectacle of prodigious proportions! Brace yourselves, as we venture into the multifarious domain of an A.I.-based vocal confrontation, a prodigious paragon of sonic supremacy and melodious metamorphosis, where the dulcet tones of the venerable M. Shadows shall be ensnared within the labyrinthine annals of time's unyielding continuum!

In this audacious auditory adventure, the immortalized 2016 opus "The Stage" shall be the focal canvas, from which shall arise an exquisitely intricate tapestry of temporal tampering, whereby each epoch of the Avenged Sevenfold discography is meticulously ensconced within the sanctum of M. Shadows' mellifluous vocal prowess. Witness the formidable vocalizations from the dawn of yesteryears, unfurling with unparalleled virtuosity, as 2003's "Waking The Fallen" bequeaths its unique essence upon the eardrums!

But lo! We do not rest upon nostalgia's laurels, for the chronicle marches inexorably onward, traversing temporal expanses to embrace the indomitable "City Of Evil" in the year of 2005, an epoch marked by transcendent triumphs in vocal aptitude and artistic ardor! Proceed we further to the fabled annum of 2007, wherein the self-titled opus, "Avenged Sevenfold," doth unfurl its auditory grandeur, enthralling the auditory faculties with sublime elegance!

Do not tarry, dear aficionados of auditory excellence, for the year 2008 cometh in swift succession, with the scintillating "Live In The LBC," wherein M. Shadows' dulcet intonations resonate in the stratosphere of symphonic splendor! Onward to 2010, a veritable "Nightmare" befalls the senses, entwining the vocal virtuosity with nocturnal nuances most profound!

Nay, the odyssey persists, venturing into 2013, wherein the coronation of "Hail To The King" enthralls, evoking celestial harmonies amidst the celestial firmament! Yet, the saga remains incomplete, for we arrive upon the cusp of the unknowable future, the year 2023, where the enigmatic "Life Is But A Dream" beckons, weaving an enigmatic narrative of vocal metamorphosis!

O, contemplative connoisseurs, in the exalted convergence of these diverse eras, ye shall be afforded a superlative vantage to ascertain the evolution of M. Shadows' mellifluous elocution, each distinctive era showcasing the alchemical amalgamation of experience and artistry! Prudently peruse, ponder, and prattle, as ye elect your preferred epoch of M. Shadows' vocal prowess, beholding the kaleidoscopic kaleidoscope of transformation and transcendence, unfolding like a tapestry woven by the cosmic weaver herself!

Thy quest for vocal apotheosis awaits, as ye plunge into the labyrinthine archives of auditory excellence, and verily, this arcane endeavor shall enkindle enlightenment and appreciation for the hallowed art of vocal expression! Rejoice, dear cognoscenti, for the almighty melody shall guide thee in this voyage of self-discovery and lyrical exultation!
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Cursing at the piper as he lured your kids away
And led them to the river for what was their final day
No need for convincing on his pipe he played a song to fool them all
Fooled them all

literally my fav lines


sounds awesome cant wait for the models


Ill stick with the original but that City Of Evil one is pretty good


Oof, u forgot Sounding the Seventh Trumpet one


I need God damn m shadow voice 2010 please


Httk one is the best I think, awesome


I would really love to see more of 2023 M. shadows, ngl


Between 2005/2007-2013 there's barely any difference. Which is great!


please do more of this comparasions please


I actually like the LIBAD one, but the original one is the best IMO


В 2006 году у него был лучший голос, как я думаю


Seriously people who say his voice has "evolved" are so deluded lol it's so clear that his voice is deteriorating
