7 True Scary Crazy Neighbor Horror Stories (Vol. 2)

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7 True Scary Crazy Neighbor Horror Stories (Vol. 2) includes stories from those who got a knock on their door, asking for more than a cup of sugar...

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♫ Music: Iron Cthulhu Apoc

Story 1►0:00
Story 2►9:38
Story 3►13:16
Story 4►17:41
Story 5►23:25
Story 6►28:52
Story 7►42:49

DISCLAIMER: All stories within this video are provided with explicit permission from their respective authors. Thank you to all who participated in today's video!

#truescarystories #creepy #letsread
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I'm having a baby with Elon Musk too.
Story 1►0:00
Story 2►9:38
Story 3►13:16
Story 4►17:41
Story 5►23:25
Story 6►28:52
Story 7►42:49

♫ Music: Iron Cthulhu Apoc


“I know my neighbor is being abused, but woe is me I’m ugly! Give me attention!”


The guy in the 2nd story could have at least called cops, even if he didn't want to be involved 😒


Second dude got the wrong lesson out of that “she was too good for me anyways, some day i hope ill find someone like her” wtf?


The guy in the 2nd story is one of the biggest cowards I've ever heard in my life. He'd rather cut all contact than help his girlfriend escape abuse. He didn't even do the bare minimum and call the cops! People like him are why so many women continue to get abused.


The. Guy. In. The. Second. Story. Pisses. Me. Off.
He BEYOND pisses me off.


The guy from story #2 is an absolute coward, I hope he doesn’t have another restful night.


Wtf is wrong with the dude in story 2, just help her bruh, she’s literally getting abused


OP in story 2 needs to be alone for the rest of his life. Seeing a woman getting beaten, knowing she has a child and likely can't get away he was able to just turn a blind eye? Those weren't apologetic looks a hole. She was probably trying to signal you to help her.


Second story wasn't a scary story shouldn't have been added. Just a story of a kid seeing abuse and not caring enough to man up.


"Always separate the fart from the fartist" 😂😂 I'm pinching that one! New words of wisdom to bestow upon my children 👌


Story 2 was a crime being witnessed. He was too pathetic to even report it bc if his own insecurities and jealousies


I always listen to you while doing things around the house, playing games or when I go to bed. Love your videos


This is why I stay in the forest where there's no neighbors


My blood boiled when I heard the lady with the dog got murdered!!! That poor woman and that poor pup! It sickens me! Men like this need to be hunted down. I'm so pissed he is in hiding! I want him to suffer a painful death!


Story 4, I had to pause after. I wanted to give that poor woman, and all other women who find themselves in that situation, a moment of silence.

As someone who is still afraid of an ex, we survivors never ask to be in relationships like those. We just fall for someone pretending to be something they aren't. By the time we realize who these people really are, our fault lays in just wanting to help; in caring about someone. People think we're stupid for it, which only makes us more afraid to tell anyone when we suffer abuse. We internalize, believing some of it has to be our fault as relationships are two ways, we could have just left, etc. But in truth, it's not always that easy, in fact, in many if not most cases, it's not possible.

We are mentally, and sometimes physically beaten down to believe we aren't strong enough, smart enough, financially stable enough, supported enough, and our abusers separate us from anyone who could help support us, so we have no choice but to rely solely on them.

It's not us who is the problem. We aren't stupid. We're oppressed, and we're kind. And we suffer for it.

A note to anyone who is in an abusive relationship:

GET OUT. Don't make excuses for your abuser. They do not actually feel the caring things they say. They may think they do, but all they want is control. DO NOT GIVE THEM THAT CONTROL. You are a STRONG and BEAUTIFUL human being and you deserve the absolute best for you. Your abuser is not that. Yes, things may be difficult for a time, trying to live without the support you relied on, but there are many programs and community support projects that exist to help people in your situation.

On top of that, start to call the cops every time the abuser scares you. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING! If they say abusive things, write them all down. It can help with a potential future restraining order.

And lastly: once you've left, ignore anything that was positive in your relationship. Remembering, thinking about, and reminiscing about the "good times" will only hinder your resolve. Many cases of people who are severely injured by an abusive partner happen after the survivor leaves, and allows their ex access to them once more. Ignore all their calls, their love bombing, their attempts, lies and false promises. THEY WON'T CHANGE and you won't be able to forget how they hurt you, even if they could. It's NEVER WORTH YOUR LIFE to give them a final goodbye. Especially because they have not done anything to deserve such a level of respect from you.

Please be safe everyone. Don't let anyone control your life but you... unless you're a kid. Then maybe let your parents do the lions share of the work. And don't do drugs...


You deserve more credit, i hope this channel blows up and more people can listen to your calming voice and be spooked af. Love u!!!!


I'll never understand why a guy can't accept a girl saying "No, I'm not interested in you, but I'd like to be friends." Isn't friendship better than nothing? you think threatening to kill the girl you like or hurting her is going to make it so you will like her? I highly doubt it. Putting fear into someone just because they don't like you like you want them to is not the answer. I know it's not just guys that are like that, that there are girls like that too. Being obsessed with someone can make a person do some incredibly stupid things.


Haven't heard the second story yet but seeing comments making me excited!!


Your videos are the highlight of my nightly routine, whether they’re old or new, I enjoy them just the same
