What is a rotationplasty?

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A rotationplasty is surgical procedure that provides an excellent cancer treatment option for patients with tumors in or near the knee joint, such as sarcoma. This specialized cancer treatment is best applied in children who are still growing.

During this procedure, the surgeon removes the affected portion of bone, along with the knee joint. The major artery, vein, and nerve leading to the foot are saved.

The lower portion of the leg is rotated 180 degrees counter clockwise and then attached to the upper portion of the leg.

The ankle is now on the same plane as the former knee, with the foot and toes pointing backward and the heel facing forward. Because of the rotation, the ankle bends in the same direction as the knee.

The surgeon will take into account the age of the child and their growth potential. Initially, the surgically-modified knee center will be lower than the unaffected knee. As the child grows and bones lengthen, the knee centers will match.

In three to six months, after the bones have healed, the patient can be fitted for a prosthesis. The patient’s foot fits inside the socket of the prosthesis and the ankle functions as the knee joint. In time, the patient will develop greater control, function and mobility. Most patients are able to walk unassisted and return to their regular activities, including playing sports.

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The man who thought of that was either a mad scientist or a genius, both of which is admirable


I want to send a big hug to the people that had this kind of surgery.


Some doctor really went "knee? Ankle? They're both joints, it'll work" and it did. Medicine is genuinely wonderful.


A kid at my school has this surgery. I didn’t know him, but one day I saw a kid with a rotated foot up high. I hope he is now doing well now.


The fact that they design prosthetic legs with the idea that someone now has a foot reversed at their knee is absolutely genius. That way they can have a prosthesis that actually bends at the knee and they have full control over it.

Just an absolutely mind blowing and clever solution.


Their knee floating up into the heavens is an image that I will never forget


"Why don't we put the foot backwards? lol"
*Actually works to help patients keep their mobility*


I got so upset when I saw the ankle being rotated 180 degrees, but I felt such relief when I saw they are getting a prosthesis. Mad respect to the doctor or surgeon who came up with this!


I had this surgery nearly 20 years ago, I was 11 at the time and I had no idea what they where talking about. But I was amazed how easy it was to learn how to walk again, no trouble at all. Next to no phantom pain aswell. Really glad I was able to do this, instead of just chopping the leg off.


Man they had me think, why would they ever. It wasn't until she on her prosthetic. The foot acts like a knee.


I was 100% it was a funny joke video, until I saw the real footage.


POV: you were the first person to sleep at a sleepover


This video sounds so casual, like it's explaining how to mend a broken arm or something.


The fact this isn't a meme just shows you how equally bizarre and amazing the human body is. Modern medicine sure is genius.


I didn't read the channel name and thought this was a meme. I am insanely impressed by the ingenuity and skill to make this possible and my heart is warmed knowing there are people who have better lives because of breakthroughs like these even if it is a little bit.


This is actually genius, whoever came up with this is a hero


I went into this wondering why this procedure exists. Then I thought, oh ok because of malignant tumors but, how does this help the person walk? Then they explained the prosthetic leg and I was just really impressed. That's ingenious.


Ankle after surgery: I'm a knee now

In all seriousness, this procedure along with many, is a life saving one, respect and best wishes to all who under go any kind of surgery


As a childhood cancer survivor I forget that people don’t know about it. I saw two kids on my ward that had this done. It’s really so innovative because you keep a real knee joint and the prosthetics have to be only below knee so it leaves way more mobility. I thought it looked a little funny the first time I saw it but when I saw the kid walk super well on prosthetics real soon it made me so happy. And after seeing it twice it’s really not that weird anymore ^^


man life can be brutal. i was watching this while feeling a little bit down and all of a sudden i don't feel down anymore. as well as i feel more grateful for what i have.
