Do It This Way Right Now, If You Want To Successfully Get Rid Of A Narcissist |NPD |Narcissism |

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Do It This Way Right Now, If You Want To Successfully Get Rid Of A Narcissist |NPD |Narcissism |

If you're attracted to this video, chances are, you might be going through a tough time with someone who is controlling and manipulative. You might feel lost and confused, unable to trust your own thoughts and feelings. We are here to support you.


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Hello, and welcome back to our YouTube channel exploring narcissism, narcissistic relationships, and healing from such relationships. Today's topic covers "delicate dumping" and the shame that individuals in narcissistic relationships experience. Just to clarify, delicate dumping does not refer to any bathroom-related issue, but instead, it's another means by which people in narcissistic relationships feel ashamed.

My curiosity led me to delve into what delicate dumping entails. Apparently, it involves silently withdrawing or slowly distancing oneself from an intimate relationship in the hopes of a peaceful and gentle ending. In many ways, it's similar to strategies such as low contact, gray rock, or not committing too deeply to a relationship. The objective of delicate dumping is frequently to induce the other person into ending the relationship, which is typically the desired outcome when practicing gray rock techniques.



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I agree with you 💯💯💯 Too many Therapists are wanting to use techniques or tools that may work fine in a HEALTHY relationship, yet in Narcissistically abusive relationships, typical remedies just don't work.


Hi, can you also talk about sleep deprivation caused by the narcissist and also why it is that narcissist cannot sleep alone plus why they suffer from insomnia.
