Evolution of the Nintendo Gameboy | Neander Meander

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A look at the evolution of Nintendo's Game Boy handhelds. From the original Game Boy all the way down to the Game Boy Micro.
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You probably won't see this, but this video really feels like it's made by a huge channel. Its so well made!


I had both a GB, GBC growing up and the GBA; I owned an NES. I am still an owner of each handheld that Nintendo has released. I have memories with them. Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance are still my favorite systems of all time.


Such a great vid! I am a proud owner of every handheld Nintendo has released. I have such wonderful memories with them.


You totally blew my mind with changing the color on the screen of my gba. I still have my original handheld from when I was a kid but never knew about that function


Such an awesome video as always man. Learned a lot!


Awesome video! That’s a sweet collection of handhelds!


The SEGA Game Gear was my first Handheld but once I picked up a Gameboy Pocket and Pokèmon blue oh man I didn't touch the Game Gear much after that. Another rocking video Neander!


Great quality video man! Gba is my favorite system of all time.


About the size of screen in each model.
8 bits
Game Boy classic: 46 x 42 (III)
Game Boy Color: 44 x 40 (IV)
Game Boy pocket: 48 x 43 (I)
Game Boy light: 47 x 42, 5 (II)

32 bits
Game Boy Advance: 40, 8 x 61, 2
Game Boy SP: 40, 8 x 61, 2
Game Boy Micro: 28, 32 x 42, 48


Me and my brother had GameBoy SP'S and my cousin had a GameBoy Advanced good times. They had the home gaming consoles of the PlayStation but at that time I had the Sony PSP. I love the Nintendo GameBoy SP 101 and Sony PSP those are peak retro gaming on the go. They have so many amazing classic games that are full of timeless classics. Cool video. ^_^


Got myself a GBA with a modded IPS screen and audio amp and I love it. Even though the SP is arguably the best "advance" system, I still keep coming back to the first GBA. ❤️


Oh man the days of sitting under a lamp using the wall power adapter when i didn't have 4 new double AA batteries playing the original gameboy were one of my best gaming times as a kid. I promise the screen didn't look like that when i was a kid, it actually looked top of the line at the time to me lol 😆


Some guides & such classify all Game Boy Color games as simply Game Boy (as you mentioned), but yes, not all Game Boy Color games could be played on any variation of original Game Boy & I actually had to learn that lesson the hard way once, back when I was just starting high school when I rented Super Mario Bros Deluxe from Blockbuster Video & tried to play it on my original brick red Play It Loud Game Boy (which I still have today, surprisingly).

Yeah, I'm the idiot who didn't notice that that game had the "Only for Game Boy Color" sign on the box & I just assumed that all Game Boy Color games would work on original Game Boy, like Mortal Kombat 4, which was my 1st official Game Boy Color game I got the Christmas in 8th Grade, so a year before I got the Game Boy Color which was also a Christmas present.

So, I too consider Game Boy Color as the next (but short lived) generation of Game Boy after the original Game Boy & before the Game Boy Advance.

Not considering the Game Boy Color as the next generation in the Game Boy family would be like not considering the (also short lived) Nintendo Wii-U as the next generation of TV consoles after the Nintendo Wii.

I did upgrade to Game Boy Advance a little over halfway through my Sophomore year in high school.

Sadly, neither my Game Boy Color nor my Game Boy Advance lasted to the halfway point of my Junior year in high school.

About a month after I graduated high school, I did upgrade to the Game Boy Advance SP & I still have it today (I just recently replaced the battery after finally getting the right 1).

Just FYI, I think some Game Boy Advance SPs can only take certain types of rechargeable batteries.

My flame red Game Boy Advance SP's original battery started showing its age when it couldn't hold a charge for very long anymore, so I ordered a new 1, only to discover I bought the wrong kind (the metal parts on the end that actually connect to the console weren't a proper match).

The replacement I originally bought was a 3.7v 850 mAh & then I looked at the original battery that had been in there for years & it was a 3.7v 600 mAh, so I went online again & looked at more batterie replacements again, but this time, I made sure it was a 600 mAh, which was what I needed & sure enough...

It was.

Also, I have no clue what mAh stands for, it was just written on the battery packs.


Let me get at that insanely clean DMG!


Amazing! I was born in 2000 and am very interested in the history of Nintendo consoles!


I still have my Gameboy Micro. Even tho it was small, I was on it nonstop compared to my GBA. It truly was the final form of GBA when it came to build quality.


I had the Gameboy Advance and the Gameboy Micro. ❤️


I have a GBA SP and i like it so much, because of the glowing screen (backlight) and the rechargeable battery.


I have a Game Boy light!!
It’s pretty nice!


awesome great vid any tips on where to buy?
